7. Promise

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In every chapter, I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout-out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This chapter's shout-outAbout_Time333 !!! Thank you for your support and I hope you keep enjoying TOB! <3 

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"Were you trying to close the doors on me?"

Collin closed his eyes, counting to ten in his head.

"No, Mrs Salazar," he said with the fakest smile in his arsenal. "I was not."

"I saw you press the button."

"I was keeping the door open for you."

She gave a loud sceptical hum and Collin wanted to slam his head against the wall. Had he thought about closing the door on her wrinkly face? Of course. But he had decided to be the bigger person and keep the lift open for her, and she still had the gall to accuse him of doing the thing he had thought of doing. And now, he had to share the enclosed space with her disapproving frown.

The lift stopped and the doors opened. Before Collin could move a muscle, Mrs Salazar cut his way with her cane so she could walk out first. Collin bet it turned into a broom when no one was looking.

He made it a point to ignore her as they walked down the corridor, but instead of entering right away he put on his most obvious fake smile and turned to the old woman who was already stepping into her apartment.

Collin waited for their eyes to meet as she went to close the door and spoke, "Have a go---"

The door closed in his face.

He marched into Adam's apartment with flames coming out of his ears. Adam peeked at him over the laptop screen.

"Is getting your roots touched up that rage-inducing?"

"What is her problem?" Collin threw the keys on the key dish. "What does that old witch have against me?"

"Ah, you came across Mrs Salazar."

"She accused me of trying to close the lift door on her!"

"Did you?"

"Of course not."

"Did you think about doing it?"

"That's not the point." Collin walked to the couch, letting his body fall onto it. "She hates me for no reason."

"You also don't like her."

"Yeah, but I'm right."

Adam scoffed a laugh, still focused on the screen.

"Just don't antagonize her too much. Her daughter is my landlord."

"Really?" Collin scooted closer to the edge of the sofa cushion. "Maybe she can help you break the lease without the penalty."

Adam paused to write something on the laptop before responding.

"I thought about it," he said, stretching his neck. "But Mrs Salazar can't do anything about my situation."

Collin huffed.

"I bet she didn't even ask and just told you she did." He stood up, strolling towards the table. "Just like she told Snow White the apple was safe to eat."

TOUCH OF BITTERSWEET (Touch Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now