9. No rush

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PLEASE VOTE: I know many people forget, but the votes are what boost the story so more people can find it. 🖤🙏

In every chapter, I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout-out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This chapter's shout-out: nyshbabe !!! Thank you for commenting and supporting TOB! <3

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"Okay, Adam should be arriving any minute now," Collin announced to the table, placing his phone down. "Let's go over the rules."

"I'm so glad you want to keep this natural," May teased, picking an olive from the small appetiser's tray.

"You." Collin pointed at her. "No sarcasm or subtle threats."

"How about overt threats?"

He ignored her, skipping to the next person. "Finn, please keep the judgmental eyes to a minimum. Yes, that. None of that." He turned to Blake, whose amused smile clashed with the fresh cut on his lip. "Blake, please reach for any semblance of a filter you might have and grip onto it."

"I'll do my best, boss."

Collin turned to his left, where Mark sat with a cat-like grin.

"Mark." Collin's eyes drew to slits. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Just don't."

"Just because of that one, I'm going to flirt with you the whole time."

Collin let out a groan, hiding his face in between his hands. "I wish Dean was here. At least I know he would make a good impression."

"He really wanted to come," Blake told him with an almost apologetic smile. "But restaurants..."

"I know, I know," Collin sighed. "I thought about having dinner at my house instead, but my mom would want to meet Adam too, and he's already nervous enough about officially meeting you."

"Why is he nervous?" Mark butted in. "We're so nice."

Collin shot him a look. "You said you would bail May out of jail if she were to beat him."

"Aren't I nice?" Mark grinned, giving May a high-five above Finn's head.

Finn cut in before Collin could unleash his fury. "Isn't that him?"

Collin whipped around in his seat to see Adam enter the restaurant. He was all long limbs and strong features, his hair styled back with a few rogue strands falling over his forehead. The burgundy button-up tucked into the black trousers cinched his waist and the rolled-up sleeves gave off an air of effortless cool.

Adam gave a small smile when Collin waved him down. As he crossed the floor, Collin's eyes lit up with excitement, and he couldn't resist giving Blake and May a knowing glance that said, 'Isn't he so handsome?'. Blake gave a quick nod of approval, while May rolled her eyes before giving in with a begrudging 'I guess' expression.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Adam approached the table with an apologetic smile. "I got caught up at work."

"We haven't been here long," Collin said, tapping the seat beside him. "Sit, sit."

As Adam hung his coat on the back of the chair and took his place at the table, his gaze ran through the surrounding faces. Collin caught the way his neck bobbed with a swallow. He was so nervous. It was adorable.

TOUCH OF BITTERSWEET (Touch Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now