8. Worth the Effort (part 2)

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The dorm room door closed behind them that night, the moonlight peering through the window since Blake had forgotten to draw the blinds before leaving for the weekend.

He did not even bother turning on the lights before dropping his bag and free-falling onto the squeaky bed.

The day had been exhausting. He felt drained and his mind was still trying to make sense of the rollercoaster of emotions. The throbbing around his lip area made him almost certain there would be some impressive bruising in the morning, even though the cut wasn't as bad as it could be.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Finn asked, turning on the lights.

Blake grimaced at the clarity, hiding his face in the pillow and regretting that decision as soon as the tender part of his chin made contact with the not-so-fluffy stuffing.

"I'm good," he assured Finn. "Just take a pic of May's face when you tell her I lost a fight today."

"You didn't lose a fight."

Blake scoffed against the fabric.

"You're right. I needed to have had a chance to count as one." He rolled over to smile at his brother. "I'm good, really. Just go without me. I'm too tired."

It was true. The idea of having to drag himself out of the room sounded like torture at the moment, but there was more to it.

Upon Blake's return to the restaurant after attending to his wound, he had immediately noticed how agitated Finn was. It was normal, of course. Blake himself had still been slightly shaking from everything that had just happened, but the tension in Finn's demeanour had just grown through the afternoon.

Finn had been distracted and fidgeting, mistaking orders and forgetting things. And Blake was sure he knew the reason. Usually, Finn was pretty adamant about ignoring Ahmed's presence, yet Blake had caught him glaring at the man for no apparent reason a few times. That, coupled with the fact Finn hadn't asked Blake if Ahmed had approached him while they were alone in the house, made it pretty clear Finn knew Blake had spoken to Ahmed.

Blake wished he could talk to Finn about it, but he wasn't sure what he would even say. He didn't even know what to think about it himself or what he planned to do going forward.

Still, he wanted Finn to feel better, or at least be able to speak with someone about it, so he had decided to skip dinner with May and let Finn go alone. As close as Blake was with his brother, he knew Finn tended to keep his feelings to himself. With May, however, Finn seemed to open up more, and that was exactly what he needed at the moment. Blake was pretty sure Finn had already texted May during the afternoon insinuating something was going on, given that her previous plans with some friends had coincidentally been cancelled and she had decided to return to the dorms earlier than expected.

"What about your dinner?" Finn insisted.

Blake gestured to the door with a sluggish motion.

"Vending machine."

"That's all junk food."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." He chuckled at Finn's roll of eyes. "Really, I'll be okay. You can go."

TOUCH OF BITTERSWEET (Touch Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now