chapter nineteen

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I groggily opened my eyes to the sight of my alarm clock. It read 9:30 A.M. I felt Milos arm around me and decided to stay here for a few more minutes embraced in his warmth.

I'm letting myself fall a little bit and it scares me, the last time I felt like this was with Chase, and we all know how that ended. I have this feeling in my gut that Milo is different, but you never know. You never actually know and that's the scary part.

I sleepily reached my counter top and traced the slick hard material with my finger tips until I felt the cold surface of my phone.

I groggily scrolled through my notifications until I stopped at a text and froze.

I have a text from my father?

My heart was going two times the speed it was 5 minutes ago. I haven't heard from my dad in over 10 years.

Over my frozen state I felt Milos arm and body stirring.

Oh please no, please stay asleep. I can't deal with this right now.

"Good morning." He croaked, his morning voice almost making me forget about the text.

"Good morning." I forced a smile.

"Are you okay?" he stretched his arms out yawning.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"It seems like there is something on your mind?" He sat up and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh it's nothing big, I just got a text from my father."

The text was still playing pretty heavily on my mind, but I didn't want him to worry.

"Do y'all not get along?" He pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Not really no, I haven't spoken to him in 10 years, not that he's tried to reach out."

When I looked over to him his face looked solemn.

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"It's no big deal, I promise." I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Okay you know you can talk to me if this starts getting to you amour." He smiled. "I have to go to work but I'll make sure to call you tonight." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and proceeded to the front door.

I need to call my brother.

I picked up my phone and rushed to his contact, it took him a while to pick up but once he did I could tell the energy was off.

"Nicole? Is this about dad?"

"He texted you too?" I haven't even read the text yet. I was too scared.

"Yes he said he wanted to meet with us, then he sent me the location to a cafe." His voice was laced with annoyance.

"What the fuck do you think he wants?" I replied, the same tone within my voice.

"I don't know but I don't have time for his bullshit."

"Do you think we should go?" I asked unsure of what I'm supposed to do in this situation.

"I say we let him wait there and have him feel the disappointment when we don't show up, the way he made us feel for years, but he's our dad and we never know what the conversation could be about, maybe a family member is hurt."

I could hear the pain in his voice. Noah always acted as if his absence didn't bother him, he always wanted to play the tough guy act but I could tell it broke him down when he wouldn't show up for his little league games, I could see his disappointment because I have worn the same face countless times.

"Noah I haven't even opened the text. I'm too anxious."

I could hear him stirring around his place on the phone. "He said he wanted to meet around 11, and it's 10:00 now so just put something on and let's get this over with, I'll pick you up."


I finally opened the text while I waited for Noah.

It read:

Hi Nicole, I know you haven't heard from me in a long time but i'd really like to catch up with you and your brother if you'll allow me.

I didn't even notice the text had made me upset until I felt a warm stream of wetness pad my cheeks.

"Nicole? Are you okay?" Ariya yawned groggily.

"My dad texted."

Ariyas face dropped, she knew the effects my dad had on me better than anyone I know.

"Oh my gosh Nicole, are you alright?" She sat right next to me on the couch, leaning her head on my shoulder while her arms wrapped around my waist.

"Uhm yeah I think so, Noah is on his way to pick me up. We're going to a cafe to catch up with him."

I sat still, letting her embrace me but my mind was miles away. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts before an annoyed Noah bursted through my front door.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah thanks for knocking." I rolled my eyes as I sat up.

"I'll see you later yeah?" I talked towards Ariya who still had a saddened look on her face.

She sent me an apologetic smile and nodded her head.


it seemed like no time at all before we arrived at the cafe.

I was shaking everywhere. I felt like I was in the beginning stages of an anxiety attack but I tried to steady my breathing and focus on my steps.

Noah must have noticed my uneasiness because he put his arm around me and told me to calm down.

We were here a little earlier than we were supposed to be. It gives us a little time to calm our nerves. I have never been to this diner but it was really pretty on the inside.

There were a few booths surrounding the small inside and a red and white checkered floor paired with small white checkered walls. As soon as we sat down a sweet old lady came to our service asking what we would like to drink.

The place was quite empty, only one other couple was here besides Noah and I.

I glanced at my brother who was anxiously tapping his foot, as was I.

We were pulled away from our thoughts at the sound of the bell on top of the entrance way and the wave of air from the opening of the door.

I glanced up and met eyes with a gruffly looking middle aged man. There was no mistaking him, he resembled my brothers features almost to perfectly.

That was my father.

going to be a pretty sad next few chapters

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