Chapter Two: Back To You

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Keyvon's Pov

As I'm driving I hear this song and it gets me thinking about the dream I wish that man was real he made me so happy but sadly it's just a dream my sister really wants me to meet this doctor but I'm going to get in and get out as I walk in I go to the front decks and ask for Dr.Cullen and Nurse Doster my brother changed his last name when he was eighteen so they are Doster well we are all Doster even if we don't have the same last name she tells me to go down the hall to the right when I open the door I see Sammy and give her the food as I'm about to leave she grabbed my arm and says " You are going to meet Dr. Cullen or I'm going to tell Momma about the dreams." I look at her and I say " It's not like he wants to meet me I am seventeen and he is 25 he doesn't want to meet a little kid." As I'm about to walk away I bump into someone and I look up to say sorry and I can't believe who I am seeing I look and say " Carlisle is that you but you are only in my dreams this is not real am I died." I start to panic thinking that I died on my way to the hospital but he grabs my face and says " Lilith how are you alive I thought you were dead I say them take you away." I look at him and I calm down but I'm crying and I say " I'm not Lilith well I was but I'm not now what is going on this is too much." He looks at me and says " Do you remember the night we dance and you said you trusted me you can still trust me now I know you remember that you always remember that." The next thing I know I see kids that looks to be my age behind him and one of them says " Carlisle what is going on and why does she feel like she is going crazy." And he says " Jasper thank you for claiming her down she is my true mate and we need to all have a talk."  Sammy looks at everyone and says " What the fuck is going on and how do you know my sister wait you called her, Lilith who is that." The next thing I know I go to this dream-like place and I see everything of me and Carlisle and I passed out but never hit the ground 

Carlisle Pov 

As she looks right at the wall she passes out and I catch her as I'm about to take her with me Sammy says " If you take her with you then I am coming and I am calling our family because we need to know what the hell is going on." I look at her and say " Ok you can come with us Jasper call the others and tell them we are having guests."  As we are walking I see her car and say " Jasper take her car." But before he could get in it Sammy says " Oh Hell no I am calling her brother Kol to get the car." I look at her and say " Kol will not get here in time and she needs to be in bed so she won't be scared when she wakes up." She looks at me and says " Kol will be here faster than you think and you could just put her on a hospital bed." I look at her and say " She hates hospitals they always remind her of death she will have a panic attack if she wakes up in one."  She looks at me and says " How the hell did you know that." The next thing I know I see Kol Mikaelson I look at him and say " What are you doing here I thought you were in New Orleans when did you get to Forks." He looks at me and says " I flew here weeks ago and what are you doing with my sister." As he went to take her I growl at him and push her deeper into me he looks at me and says " Two things,  I am an Original and she is your not your true mate." I look at him and I say " She is my true mate she looks like Lilith and I just saw our future together." He looks at me and nods his head and takes the car and says he will be there in a minute I put her in the back sit of the car with Sammy and ask her " How do you know the Original family they don't really like most people." She looks at me and says "I and my family are witches and warlocks we have magic even Keyvon we know the Mikaelsons because of our friend Haley she is with one of them we help them from time to time." As we get to the house I see my family all outside I walk past all of them not even hearing what there saying and put Keyvon on the bed I know she is not Lilith anymore but I know she is a part of her and I really love Keyvon maybe more then I loved Lilith as I walk back in I see my family talking with Keyvon's family Sammy's husband ran up to me a push me into the wall and say " What the hell did you do to my baby sister I will fucking kill you." I look at him I got so mad he thinks I did something to her I love her but I had to keep my calm so I said: " I did nothing to her she is in there sleeping she passed out I'm glad you are all here so I can tell you we are vampires and as you know we live for a long time back in the 18 century I meet a woman named Lilith Doster and she looks a lot like Keyvon what I'm trying to say is she is my true mate the thing is Lilith died years ago I never thought I would see her again now I know Keyvon is not Lilith but I do love her and want to protect her I know this is not how you thought this day would go but it happened and she needs to sleep she had a panic attack and passed out and yes I know she has asthma there is a mask on her face help her breath in the asthma medicine it's on a timer so it won't be on all night only for five minutes." The next thing I know I see this woman walk up to me and say " If my daughter is hurt I will hurt you." After that, someone walks in and says " OMG your the guy from my sister's dreams." I look at her and say " Yes I am." Sammy looks at me and says " What fucking dreams what the hell is going on Sophie." So Sophie says " Keyvon has been having these dreams about her being a queen and her name was Lilith and she was at a party for the king and queen of France and that's where she meets this Lord name Carlisle which is him and they kiss and that's when her dream stops she asks Mother Elder about the dreams thinking it was her magic playing with her but Mother Elder never told her about it she told her not to think about it so she didn't" Her mother goes up to the Sophie and say " Sophie Tamantha Smith how could you and her not tell me about this I am her mother." She looks and says " Aunt Drita she didn't tell you because she didn't want you to worry and it's not a bad thing and it was a good dream you ask why she was so happy that's why the dream after you find out about this world you never let her out of your sight she has been having these dreams for five years now and please don't be mad at us Mother Elder told her not to say anything and the last time she told you and something you tried to stop her and almost got yourself killed." She looked red in the face a said " SOMEONE CALL MOTHER ELDE NOW."  after that a woman I hasn't seen in years comes in my door and she looks at me and as she was about to walk out Kol stops her and Keyvon's mother walks up to her and got in her face and says " WHAT THE FUCK is going on with my daughter and you are going to tell me now." She looks at me and says " Hello Carlisle it's been a long time." As she says that Keyvon walks into the room and says " What the hell is going on and where are we." 

Keyvon's Pov 

I look around and I see a mask on my face I start to have a panic attack thinking I'm in a hospital but I look around and see I'm in a room but not in my room I heard my mom yelling so I ran down the stairs to see everyone there and to see Carlisle and his family and I say " What the hell is going on and where are we." Carlisle vampire speeds to me and said " You are at my house do you know what I am." I look at him and say " Yes you are a cold ones vampire I have met them before everyone in my family has." My mom comes up and hugs me and says " I know last time you told me something I almost got myself killed if I promise to never do that again will you start telling me things again." I looked at her and say " Ok I will start to tell you stuff since you promise not to get in the way only if we need you." I look at Mother Elder and I say " Tell me how I have two different lives now or so help me you won't run faster than me."  She looks at me and says " Do you know what reincarnation is?" I look at her and say " Yeah it's when you died and come back to life but as someone else." She looked at me and said, " Well you see  Lilith was a witch and a werewolf and she was queen which I'm sure Keyvon already knows that after she find out she would never see Carlisle again she put a reincarnation spell on herself so one day she would be reincarnated and find her true love again so you look like  Lilith but you are not her you are you have two lives your past one and this one." I was so mad she could have told me this five years ago I look at her and said " You hide this from me for five damn years you could have told me what was the spell if I die will it happen again will I come back I don't want to come back when I die I don't want a different family I love this one." I was panicking that's when Carlisle came up behind me and hugged me I felt a wave of calm hit me like the ocean I took a deep breath and said " What was the spell and how do we stop it so it won't happen again." she looked at me and said, " The spell ends when you find Carlisle you find him so you will not be reincarnated again the choice to be with him is yours to make Lilith would never force you to love him because she did so will you be with him because your mother looks like she wants to kill me oh and Carlisle don't tell her the past she needs to learn on her own you could give her a panic attack if you tell her the longer you date the more she learns." I look at her and then at Carlisle and said " I want to get to know you before I give you an answer ok." He looked at me and say " Take all the time you need as long as I get to be around you can I take you on a date tomorrow I know it's a lot." I looked at him and smiled then said " Yes I would love that very much." After he asked me out we all talked and got to know each other but then it was time for us to go home I hugged Carlisle and he kiss me on my forehead and we went home and got ready for bed I tried to go to sleep but every time I felt a pain in my heart and when I tried the third time I felt this calm wave like the ocean wash over me again and I know it was Carlisle I look behind me and see Carlisle and say " Thank You so much I don't think I would have ever gotten to sleep." He look at me and hug me and then kiss my head and said: " You never have to thank me I will always be here for you." And with that I fell asleep and dream about me and Carlisle meeting in the eighteenth century again I will always love this dream. 


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