Chapter Twenty-Five: The Days To Come

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The next day we called Sam and we meet at the Treeline Sam said: " Keyvon, Jake said there is an army coming for Bella are they coming for you." I looked at him and said: " No Victoria wants payback on Bella for Edward killing her mate." He looked at me and said: " What do we have to do." Carlisle looked at Sam and said: " Well the same as last time we need someone to watch Charlie so we can hunt but this time we will train you to kill them." Paul looked at me and said: " We did really good killing Victoria's little friend." I looked at him and said: " Yeah we did but that was one and this is an army the Mikaelsons will also be here to help you train and fight as well." Sam looked at me and said: " How are you going to get the Mikaelsons here that really don't like most humans." I looked at him and said: " I am the devil's little sister." Sam looked shocked and said: " That's you how are you not died." Carlisle looked at me and said: " Ok what the hell does that mean." I looked at him and said: " Well Marcel told Rebekah that he was only going after Klaus so she helped him but when he found out we were werewolves he told us to come with Klaus and tried to kill us too so he put me in chains and kept Sophie in his arms  and said we all know the rules about werewolves in his town and bite Sophie and that's when I and Klaus went crazy and kill almost all of them into, he put Sophie down and picked up the coin." He looked at me and said: " I don't understand how you are half human." I looked at him and said: " grabbed my hand and I will show you." 


Marcel looked at me and said: " I'm sorry." I looked at him and said: "That's not enough for me." I bite Marcel and said: " You will not heal him into I say so." I go to Rebekah and before I could hit her Sophie says " She didn't know he was coming after us she only knew about Klaus." I start killing more of them and I said: " We are here into we leave if you don't like it you are welcome to die I will not care but you will not hurt my family as you know a werewolves bite can kill a vampire and Klaus and I are the only ones who can heal it but I and Klaus are always on the same paper so if I want you died so does he." Marcel looks at me and said: " I took the coin I thought this was over." I looked at him and said: " That was for Klaus now you have to deal with me." He looked at me and said: " What do I have to do to stop this." I looked at him and said: " Kneel before me and I will let you live and Klaus will heal you." He looked at me and said: " I will not bow to you." I go to the black guy and as I was about to kill him and Marcel said: " Ok enough I bow." He says as he bows in front of me Klaus gives him his blood and I go to Sophie and pick her up Rebekah tried to say something but I said: " I need some time away for you I don't want to see you." She looked at me and nodded and we leave."

End of Flashback

Carlisle looks at me and says " That's why you said you had no problem fighting because you have done it before." I looked at him and said: " Yes Carlisle once I start it is a little hard to stop but I have control now." He looked at me and said: " You are stronger than you know." When we go home we tell our family what the deal was and we all get ready it has been weeks and we have not had a date night or sex in a while and Bella keeps doing way too much for me not to want to hurt her as we are in the house watching Bella and she says " Carlisle would you like to go on a date night with me I mean you and Keyvon had one." I looked at Carlisle and hold his hand trying to get me to calm down but then she say" I hate that I and Keyvon have to sure a mate but I know you like me more." I run and grab her and said: " I will feed you to that damn army if you try again you bitch." Before I could punch her someone says " That enough little sister." I look to see Klaus and I say " And why is that brother she is a pain in the ass." He looked at me and grabbed my hand and say " You are Rebekah always have to take the violent opposition when it comes to women." I looked at him and said: " She is a whore always saying that Carlisle is hers he is mine I will let Kol eat you bitch." He looked at me and said: " You two haven't had alone time in a while have you she knows you're on edge." I looked at her and said: " You try that again and I will kill you before you become a vampire bitch." Elijah laughed and said: " Down girl how about you and Carlisle get some only time away from her." Bella looked at me and said: " No they can't go anywhere without me." I looked at her and said: " If you keep this shit up you will not marry Edward I will stop that shit real quick so shut the fuck up." Kol laughed and said: "Wait she is marrying Edward but keeps hitting  on his father why are you marrying her again." I looked at him and said: " He thinks he doesn't have a mate and doesn't want to be only anymore." Kol laughed and said: " There is no way in hell I would want to deal with that for a hundred years I would just be alone." And then Bella said: " He is my mate and so is Carlisle and they will not be going anywhere they all listen to me." I looked at her and my hands caught fire and I was about to kill her but Carlisle hugged me and said: Calm down please for me I need you to calm down." I looked at Carlisle and see a little bit of the fire on his body I try to move but he says " Your powers don't hurt me remember." I looked at him and kissed him and the fire goes back into my hands he looks at me and kisses me and looked at Kol and said: " Can you please watch Bella so I and Keyvon can get any peace of mind for a while." Klaus looks at him and said: " Yes we would be more than happy to." Bella was pissed but before she could say anything Rebekah grabbed her throat and said: " If you say anything I will kill you Keyvon may let you live but I won't." I looked at her and said: " Leave her alone it is not worth digging a grave for that bitch." Rebekah lets her go and Carlisle goes into the kitchen with Esme after a few minutes they come out with a basket and Esme said: " I hope you enjoy your picnic we are going hunting." I looked at him and said: " We got a lot of blood from La Push you just can't hunt people here I mean it Kol they had a blood drive a give it to you because they know animal blood makes you weak they will do one every four months we did one in Forks to so you have a lot of blood." Elijah looked at me and said: " How did you do it without anyone finding out." I looked at him and said: " Well the wolves helped with La Push and I compiled some Nurses into thinking they were doing it for the hospital and Carlisle got all we need to do it."  He looked at me and said: " What about the Nurses." I looked at them and said: " I made them forget and let them go back to their normal lives." Carlisle looked at me and said: " Come on let's go to the waterfall for lunch before training." She looked and smiled and said: " She can't she has to come to the bonfire with me." I looked at her and said: " No I don't I have heard those stories for years and plus Jake said he didn't want me there just you good luck bitch." We leave and I hear Bella scream inside the house me and Carlisle laughed when we get there he set up the picnic and it looked like this 

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