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"Why did I say yes to coming to this thing?" I mumble to myself. After my run in with Iceman, I was looking forward to watching him get his ass handed to him in volleyball by Goose and Maverick. What I didn't take into consideration was that it was so hot that all of them, with the exception of Goose who was smart enough to wear a t-shirt, would opt to take their shirts off. Then again, Maverick is playing in jeans so I don't think any of them really planned much of anything other than that the game would be against each other.

Despite the heat from sitting in the sun, it is quite an entertaining show. I even crack a smile as Iceman and Slider gloat each point as if they are Greek gods, posing and yelling out in victory. I'd be lying if the sight didn't make the two suddenly seem significantly more attractive, at least for the time being. But, no matter how hard I try, I always find my eyes floating back to Maverick. It's not like I had never seen his chest before, but that was when I thought that he'd be nothing more than a one-night stand. Now that my feelings for him are heightened, it's like I'm seeing the pilot in a whole different light.

At the same time, Ice's words circle my mind. I'd like to think that they were just a desperate attempt to mess with my head, but I can't help but wonder if there is some truth to them. Besides Charlie, I'm the only other girl here and the Maverick and I are stuck in each other's presence for a decent about of time. Maybe his attraction towards me is solely because I'm here and, once we're all released into the real world again, it will disappear once more.

When the second game comes to an end, Maverick quickly runs up to me, shaking his hair like a dog with a huge smile on his face. Suddenly, my heart feels as if it is about to break from my chest and, as I hand him his water, I try to keep my eyes firmly on his face. "We should've had that last game," he pants as he takes a gulp of water.

"Man, those guys are animals," Goose adds. "Maybe if I pretend to faint, it will distract them long enough for us to score."

"That just seems to me like your testing fate." I toss a water bottle to the RIO, who gives me a grateful smile. "How many rounds are you guys going to play? You've been going at it for at least an hour."

"Why, you have somewhere to be?"

"Contrary to what you might think, Mav, I do have other things to do besides spend time with you."

"Could have fooled me," Goose cuts in. "I feel like a tricycle around you two sometimes." The two of us look at him with confused expressions. "I'm the third wheel."

"Speaking of third wheels," Maverick interrupts, "Goose's family is flying into town at the end of the week. You want to come with us to pick them up at the airport?"

"I would love to, but I don't want to intrude." One of the RIO's favorite things to talk about is his family. Because of this, I've heard many stories about his wife, Carole, and their young son, Bradley.

Goose waves me off. "I've been telling Carole all about you for the past few weeks and she's dying to meet you. I think she'd actually be disappointed if you didn't come. Besides, Bradley has been wanting to come up with a fake call sign and I don't exactly trust Mav to steer him in the right direction."

I raise an eyebrow at the pilot who smirks. "I suggested Goosebump. You know, because he's around because Goose bumped uglies with—"

"Okay!" I cut him off with a laugh. "I get the picture!"

"Lieutenant Moran," Viper's voice, causing the three of us to turn is way, backs straightening. "I need to see you in my office."

"Can I ask the reason, sir?" To my knowledge, I haven't done anything horribly wrong. Sure, I called Charlie 'teach' earlier, but she wouldn't take it as far as to tell Viper about it. At least, I hope she wouldn't.

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