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We're all dismissed for the day before the rescue helicopter even returns to the base. No one needs an explanation as to why. Even if they weren't listening in to our radios, the somber look on our instructors' faces was enough to give it away. We're told to go home, take some time to process what just occurred and report back tomorrow unless notified otherwise. As the other pilots exit the hanger, I remain glued to my seat, anxiously tapping my foot as I stare out the gaping doors for any sign of red and white. Even then, I don't miss Iceman's lingering gaze in my direction.

"Lucky," Specs gently puts a hand on my shoulder, "do you need a ride home?" I shake my head. I can't leave, not yet at least. I'll stay all night if I have to, but I have to see Maverick. "Do you want to be alone or should I stay with you?"

I finally pull my eyes from the outside and turn to face my RIO. His eyes, like mine I assume, are red, evidence of a few tears left over on his cheeks. After he said Goose's name, the two of us just couldn't find the strength to hold back our emotions any longer and broke down inside the cockpit. At least there, none of the other pilots would see us cry. I swallow, my throat dry from the day's events. "I think I need to be alone right now, Specs. Will you be okay by yourself?"

He nods, his thumb gently rubbing my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." He gives me a final squeeze. "Call me if you need someone to talk to, alright?"

"Specs!" I call out as he makes his way to the exit. I stand up from my position, knocking over my chair in the process as I wrap my friend in a hug and press my face into his chest. His own arms find their way around my shoulders, pulling me tightly against him. I know that, along with loosing a friend, Specs is imagining himself in Goose's position, wondering what would've happened had our partners been switched. I'm doing the same. How could we not? "Thank you. Not just for being my RIO, but for being one of my best friends."

He presses a chaste kiss in my hair. "You're a part of my family now, Claddagh. I'm going to help you and you're going to help me. We'll get through this."

"I'll keep you safe," I mumble against his shirt. "I promise. I can't loose anyone else." He freezes, stiffening up ever so slightly as I answer his unasked question. I don't take offense to it. I would've wondered the same thing had our roles been reversed.

"I know." He rests his chin on top of my head. "I know." The two of us remain in that position for a while, just taking in the comfort of each other, until Specs finally pulls away. "Promise me you'll let me know if you need anything. I don't care how late it is or what you need, I'll be there."

I nod. "I promise." With a small smile, Specs squeezes my hands and exits the hanger, the faint sound of helicopter blades in the distance and the rustling of the giant American flag hanging from the ceiling becoming my only company.

When the rescue team finally lands, both boys are whisked away to the emergency hospital, one for evaluation and the other for an official time of death. So, I move my waiting point to the front steps, making myself comfortable for the foreseeable future. I guess the news of the incident must've made its rounds around the base pretty quickly because Charlie comes running up to me a few minutes later.

"Shit, Lucky." She pulls me in for a tight hug. "I came as soon as I heard."

"He's gone, Charlie." I whisper into her hair, tears threatening to fall once more for the umpteenth time today. "Goose is gone."

"I know." She rubs my back, reminding me of how my mother would when I was a child. "Claddagh, I'm so sorry. Honestly, I've been telling the Pentagon for months now that the F-14s design flaws should really be looked at—"

"Charlie," I cut her off, sniffling slightly, "can we not talk about that right now?" Truth be told, every pilot knew about how the plane's design issues could lead to situations like this. I've gone over all the ways it could've been avoided at least ten times by this point. In the end, it doesn't bring Goose back, and that's all that really matters.

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