Chapter 13

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"For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do"

Alexander's POV

"Hello" I answer sharply.

"Alexander. This is Aaron King. I need your help. My younger brother, Grayson, has been missing for a week and I can't find him. I have looked everywhere but it's like he just disappeared. I think the Russians might have him."

I can feel my blood starting to boil.

The fucking Russians

Of course it's them. They must be the ones responsible for my siblings' disappearance as well.

"How about we meet somewhere in person. I don't think it's appropriate to talk about such things over the phone" I suggest "Could you come at my mansion in about twenty minutes?"

"Okay, then. I'll be there." He answers and ends the call.

"The youngest King brother is missing as well. For a week now" I inform my brothers.

"King, as in American mafia King?" Apollo asks bewildered.

I nod. I can understand why he is so shocked. After our mafia, the next strongest one is the American. The King Brothers are known for how ruthless and dangerous they can be. It's surprising that someone was able to take one of them. Especially the youngest one, since he doesn't really show his face to the public. We have never seen him as well. He prefers to keep to himself.

"Alright everyone, we should get back, Aaron King is meeting me in twenty minutes at our place." I announce and they all head towards the cars.

Anthony comes and stands beside me with a sleepy Noah placed on his hip.

"What are we gonna do with him, Alex? We can't just leave him here." He says softly as to not disturb him.

I take a moment and look at the boy. He can't be older than six years old. He shouldn't be experiencing such things so early in his life.

"Hey, Noah?" I say gently "Do you have anywhere we can get you? Any other family apart from Athena?" I ask.

He slowly shakes his head. "No, it's just me and Thena. I have no-one else" He whispers while silent tears escape his eyes.

"Okay then, how about you come with us hm? I promise you can trust us. We will do everything in our power to find Athena. In the meantime you can stay in our house" I propose with a small smile.

He shakes his head again. "I-I don't know. I'm not supposed to trust strangers a-and also I don't want to be an inconvenience"

"Nonsense" Anthony says this time. "You are not an inconvenience and I promise that you can trust us. It's good that you're cautious around strangers but I swear that we only want what's best for you and Athena. Would she want you to live on your own?" He asks which causes Noah to scrunch his face in an adorable manner.

"No, I don't think so..." He says slowly.
He then nods. "Okay I'll come with you"

Both Anthony and I smile. We quickly get back to the car and drive home.

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