Chapter 14

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"Tell the devil I said 'hey' when you get back to where you're from"
-Bruno Mars

"Okay, so how are we gonna do this?"

"There aren't really many options. We would have to face them at some point anyway. We might as well attack them first so we have the element of surprise." Atlas replies.

"So we go to the torture chambers, ambush them, take King with us and leave the building." Matteo adds while pacing back and forth and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Easier said than done. Do we even know how to get out?" Ares asks.

"We just run until we find an exit. We are armed, we should be able to hold them back for enough time to get out safely." I respond with a determined nod.

"Okay but we need to hurry before someone notices we are gone." Matteo says.

We all nod and head for the door. Ares grabs the handle and turns to us with a finger in front of his mouth, motioning to stay quiet.

He opens the door slowly and peeks his head out to check for any guards. Once he is positive we are alone he allows us to exit the room and I guide them towards the torture chambers.

When we reach them we hear commotion from the inside followed by occasional thuds and cries of pain.






"We need something big to push them away before they find us."


"I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll kill one of you! Then they'll surely understand the gravity of the situation and they'll back off."

Another pause

"It can't be you though. You're the only King I have. It has to be a Moretti. So choose!"



"I said choose! Choose which Moretti you want to go or I'll choose"


*Another punch*

"Dad, you're gonna kill him. I think that's enough for today" A new voice joins the conversation. Or should I say monologue?

"Silence, boy! And what have I told you about calling me Dad" He said with disgust. "It's either sir or Mr Volkov for you!"

"Yes, sir" The other person replied with a strained and small voice.

'He has a son?' I mouth to the others to which they just shrug.

"You're becoming soft. We should bring back those lessons, don't you think. Maybe then you'll remember to respect me! Know your place, kid. You might be my son but you're her son as well. And I don't think you need a reminder of what happened when she disobeyed me."


"Hm, good. So, little King, how about we get you back to that little whore?"

I turn around to look at the guys only to see rage swimming in their eyes. Before I get a chance to talk to them Ares kicks open the door and starts shooting towards Volkov.

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