Chapter 29

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"Though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea"
-Led Zeppelin

The guys decided that it would be a nice idea to go on a road trip. At first, there were a lot of complaints, about it not being safe and now not being the right time, but everyone caved in with a bit of Alex's encouragement.

"There is nothing we can do about the Volkov situation and if anything, we're safer out of this house and at an unknown location." He said.

From what I've gathered, a road trip is also part of the list so I guess that's a plus. So far we have only done two activities, graffitis and stargazing, but Anthony is positive that through the next weekend most of the list will be checked. I'm kinda excited, not gonna lie.

We are currently driving to the beach house of one of the boys' friends. His name is Blaze Romano, he's Alex's best friend and a part of our mafia. Two other guys are gonna be there as well but I didn't bother to listen to their names.

Unfortunately we couldn't take Cady with us so he had to stay behind. Our cook, Zoe, who he has taken quite a liking to, will be taking care of him while we're gone. I'm gonna miss my big furball and our late night snacks but it's only gonna be for one weekend so I'll manage.

What I will definitely not manage is Apollo's snoring, if it's as bad as it is now. I think Ares agrees with me, considering he won't stop huffing and cursing from the driver's seat. He doesn't make a move to wake him up, though. A sweetheart, I tell you.

It's really early in the morning so I don't blame Apollo for falling asleep although I do wish he would be a little less loud while doing so. We had to start before sunrise if we wanted to be there for breakfast.

We have been on the road for about two hours so we should be arriving soon. I gently nudge Apollo with my elbow in an attempt to wake him up.

"Hey, Apollo. We're almost there." I whisper.

"Hm..." He hums and wraps his arms around me, eyes still closed shut.

"Apollo, come on. We can cuddle later, you need to wake up." I mumble trying to pry him off me.

"I need some love first..." He whines sleepily. He's honestly like a big baby when he wakes up. So adorable.

I sigh and hug him back. He snuggles closer and lets out a relaxed breath.

"I love you, Thena. So so much." He mumbles in my hair.

"I love you too, Apollo." I whisper, while running my fingers through his hair. Something that I recently found out he loves.

"Okay, guys. We're here." Ares announces.

It takes about ten minuets for everyone to exit the cars and gather their stuff. Once we're done, we walk towards the door, suitcases in our hands.

We reach the door and Alex lifts his fist to knock. He doesn't have to, though, because the door swings open and three grinning guys greet us.

Everyone immediately hugs each other, muttering I-missed-yous and how-have-you-beens. Me, Noah and the Kings are just awkwardly standing there, so I take this time to study these people.

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