Awoken system

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Checking the dead bodies Tang Zhan located where most energy was coming from and it was at their bellies, so he tore it open and dug in.

"oh, so this is where their cores are located at" Tang Zhan said while holding four fingernail sized crystals in the palm of his hand.

"what do i do with it?"

Looking at it again he wondered if he could just absorb the qi in it, but he decided to keep it for now.

While Tang Zhan had been walking to the forest, he observed that the qi in the air was too small for him to cultivate and only the qi in treasures could help him.

"I might as well get these beasts core and absorb them altogether".

Deciding this he went even deeper into the forest, killed some other wolves, foxes and even some eagles, he now had up to 50 fingernail sized beast core, and through the system he also found out that some part of the beasts sell for a high price, so he also got some.

After two hours had gone by, he turned back and wanted to leave the forest, but was stopped by a big gorilla landing in front of him.

The gorilla had bulky huge arms, and was times three Tang Zhan's size, it's belly was silver while it's fur was covered in black armour.

[Armoured silver belly monkey](tier 3 boss)

[level: 9th level nascent]

[HP: 5000]

[skills: bash(lvl 9), jab(lvl 9)]

[qi skills:
Silver belly illusion: ?]

'If this is just an ordinary monkey, I wonder how the gorilla version would be' Tang Zhan dropped all the resources he got, so it wouldn't disturb him.

"Whenever you are ready small guy" Tang Zhan said aiming to provoke the monkey, and it worked.

"Gaahh!" the monkey ran with heavy steps towards Tang Zhan, who just bent down preparing to strike.

'This is going to be easy' thinking about this a smile formed on Tang Zhan's lips, he easily dodged the big monkey's arm as he leapt up then slashed his scythe on the monkeys head.


Tang Zhan couldn't believe his eyes, or perhaps his senses. He was repelled back with force, and he landed rather harshly on the ground, skidding a few more times before coming to a stop.

Standing up, he opened his eyes and he could see that the place he had struck did not even harbour a scratch talk less of an injury.


Rather, he was the one who took damage, for hitting the floor so hard. Tang Zhan finally realised if he wasn't serious, he might actually have death.

' If all the place with that armour is unbreakable, how do I win this battle?  Maybe it's stomach, but even the silver is suspicious' Having a internal fight with himself, Tang Zhan kept thinking of a way out.

"hey small monkey, is that all you got, using your armor to protect yourself... coward!" Tang Zhan decided, he was going with the provoking tactics.

[beast has entered rage mode]

[life will be halved but stats will be doubled]

Looking at the huge monkey, it's eyes were pure red with no differentiation between it's sclera and it's pupil.

"Gaaahh!" The monkey roared, slammed it's fists on its own chest, jumped around in rage, then proceeded to look at Tang Zhan while heaving heavily.


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