
57 6 0

[You have killed a tier 3 Crazed Ifrit, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 4.60

[Exp multiplier: 264.82]

•Damaged Tier 3 Crazed Beast core

•Hell gauntlets

•Skill book.(×3)

•Flame body refining pellets.(×10)

•Hell tainting seal.(×4)

•Ifrit Beast meat.(15kg)

•Ifrit Beast claws.(×10)

•Ifrit Beast fangs.(×4)

•50,000 gold coins.]

'wow! Even though we didn't fight the real deal, I was still giving the price for killing one, that crazy as hell.' Aion happily falls to the ground as even though he is exhausted to the core he lies there smiling happily.

He turned his head to the side, as he sees Glyscyra consoling Rill as he is still stricken with panic and grim. Sighing deeply, he turns his head to where Rack dead body lays, with his soul currently coagulating above his body.

[Specie: Human.

Name: Rack.

Cultivation: 5th stage body refining realm.

Condition: Dead/Ascending.


Hp: 0

Soul: 80%. Incomplete.]

[Quest: Help the pained soul ascend and make him have his farewells with his brother. Rejoin or complete the soul through other means.

Rewards: 1 path point, Soul enhancing pill.

Duration: Five minutes.

Penalty: N/A.]

Aion sighs as he forces himself up and whistles for Glyscyra. Glyscyra looks at Aion and sees him motioning his head for her.

She looks at Rill as she then stands up to go meet Aion.

"What's it?"

Aion glances at Rill from the corner of his eye, "show him over, I have a present for him." He says as he goes over to the dead body.

While he goes to the dead body, Glyscyra went to Rill as she pleads with him to come over.

"Come on Rill"

"No, no I was a disgrace to Rack, I couldn't protect him, I couldn't." He shakes his head swiftly as he tries to escape Glyscyra's grip but she still holds on to him tightly.

"You have to see him now, or else you might lose that chance forever" Glyscyra although can't see or feel souls, but she can feel ascension of one, she has been trained in her amazonian hometown and she knows how to feel some of the supreme phenomenon of the world.

So when Aion called over for her, and told her he has a present for Rill, she immediately linked it together and could guess that it had something to do with Rack's ascension.

Rill hearing that he might lose a chance forever about his brother, immediately jumps to his feet but his legs are still wobbly so Glyscyra grabs him and takes him over to where Aion is with the body.

Aion notices then coming over as he checks his resources.

[Energy: 1,089/19,114 => 2,039/27,114]

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