Their history

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The winged tigers had a secret that could cause their doom and annihilation of their family. They never participated in any fight for more territory and lands, neither did they also fight for resources.

The reason for that is because of their bloodlines as berserker winged tigers. Not only did they have risk of dying as an hatchling due to excessive deposits of energy in their bodies, but also when they do grow, they are like living breathing time bomb made of gunpowder and flint.

The smallest hit from an external object will cause a disruption in the wild energy in their bodies and that could cause the destruction of their meridian or kill them. This is s condition they have to endure until they become adults, when they do become one, all the energy they have been accumulating since hatchling will be fully merged into them, making them into a deadly beast.

The founder and progenitor of the berserker tigers subrace, had many things about himself he didn't know. Being the only one amongst difference others, there was no one to put him through on different things he should know.

He didn't know any of his special or hidden abilities, no one to put him through the path and everyone considered him an outcast so no one was willing to render him any help or assistance, which was why he had left to fend off for himself since there was no future for him if he remained back there.

He continued with his new family for thousands of years, before he finally dies but one of his numerous hidden abilities he didn't know he had was that he couldn't truly rest in peace untill every living thing created by him dies as well.

No one knows of it was hereditary or was willing to try, but he that died came back every five centuries in the body of someone else that has one hundred perfect synchrony with himself.

Whenever he came five hundred years in the body of someone else, he is never truly the main conscience of the body and only stays as a sub-conscience until he awakens.

His awakening is an extremely important moment that is beneficial to all his children and wife, which is why he always reincarnates into another person but in the same realm as his family, so that even if his awakening doesn't happen in his hive it will affect them a little and benefit them.

That was how it has been down over many thousand of years,where he would reincarnate, awaken and live with his family until his life ends again, during the period he stays with his family he and his wife will make love most times to compensate for the centuries she had to wait alone, and they also make their most important ceremony which is to have intercourse for fifty days under the newly born hatchlings, to supply calm energy to keep them alive until they hatch.

This continued and became the norm, until the war happened. Different gods gathering into a small remote realm to pick as their battleground as they didn't care since it was a dog eat dog world, the strong continued growing stronger not minding the consequences it had to the weak. Their fight in the realm had gone out of their expectations and none of them survived in the end according to what history said.

The death of numerous gods in one place caused a curse to be let out into the realm, destroying the realm forever and corrupting many races of beasts and humanoids alike.

This made it so that the soul of the winged tigers patriarch could no longer reincarnate into the realm, and he spent many years stranded, being reincarnated into places where the realm didn't exist or wasn't know. It has been give thousand years since then and the latest batch of children they gave birth to hasn't hatched since then because they were unable to do the ceremony.

The tigers only found a way to make their hive filled with vitality after sacrificing themselves to go search for treasures in the ruins of the battle. They lost many that day but they were able to find a treasure that gave vitality to the cursed land above their hive and also made their hive filled with the energy of life.

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