Their queen

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Rill too only just thought about it after saying it. 'if it was like families, then we are not meant to have anything in common, but it feels like it's real.'

"Hey guys, hold on, wait wait..." The tigers didn't obviously listen until they had their each satisfied share of licking him.

"So why is there this bond between us, is this meant to be normal or there's some bigger thing I don't understand here!" Rill asked causing the tigers to be confused as well, they each looked at each other and and began conversing in whatever language it is they spoke in.

One of the tigers walked up to Rill, then it uses its paw to clean away sand before then using it's claw to scratch or write on the ground.

The writing wasn't in human language or anything the duo has seen before it was some form of archaic language, but the very first character seem to awaken something deep inside Rill. The second character forced the same reaction again, but this time bigger as a wave of energy exploded from within him, blowing the girls hair and dress around.

If before the tigers still weren't sure if Rill was who they thought he was, now they were a hundred and one percent sure.

The third character to the ordinary person was just some character written beside other characters, but to Rill it wasn't.

Before him was three characters that had now transformed into images, the first one being a humanoid shaped image, the second was a throne on the world and the last was a crowned tiger.

Seeing everything together, energy waves began to explode out from him and the girl had to shifts away so as to not get injured if something drastic happens.

The previous blue tiger Rill had controlled by luck and accident around himself during his fight, reappeared around him again.

The tigers seeing this immediately stopped all and what they were doing, they immediately picked Rill up, and started flying back in the direction they came from.

Another tiger comes up to the girl and motions for her to climb unto it, she hesitated for some seconds but thinking back to how the tigers showed hostility to her for leaving Rill's side earlier, she mounted the tiger, and had her first flight experience.


She was screaming all the way and tightly hugging the tiger's body while gripping it's fur like her life depended on it, to which it did because the tiger didn't care if it was her first time riding in the air and was instead flying at its fastest speed.


The rest of the flying tigers were also closing in fast, they as well felt the disturbance and the awakening of a special energy that was suppose to not be around for another century or so.

The tigers brought Rill and the girl into their hive, through the crack made when they came out earlier to attack the disturbing humans.

Entering through the crack, the tigers flew through a maze if different chambers, going around in what could be explained as circles. After a while they reach a deep dark place that narrows all the way down, but as they got to the bottom, there's a wide space at least as big as an acre of land.

The place has stalactites and stalagmites joined together all around, and on the bodies of the columns all around there are things like veins all around connecting to huge lumps of a small four legged animal covered in a pod like slimy substance.

They all feel and looked dead through the pod, but a week pulse travels from the ground to the columns and through the veins to the pods all around the huge space.

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