Chapter 58 - Updates

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Natalia's P. O. V

It didn't take long for me to get to the hotel. Once there, I walked in through the revolving door and went to the front desk.


The lady behind the desk looked up from her computer. When she saw me, she sat up straighter and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Good evening, welcome to The Jewel Hotel. How may I help you?"

"My friend is waiting for me in room 343, on the fifth floor. She gave me a keycard."

She checked her computer then nodded, "Yes, she did call saying she's expecting a friend. The elevator's down the hall after the lobby, you can just go on ahead."

I thanked her and made my way to the elevator then up to the fifth floor. I counted the number of rooms in my head, till I reached hers. Standing before room 343, I adjusted my bag and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I unlocked the door and walked inside.

The room wasn't anything outrageous, but it was spacious for a single guest, with a nice sized bed and wardrobe, along with a table and two chairs in a corner. The curtains had been drawn closed, keeping our silhouettes hidden from the outside world.

"Thank you for waiting." I told Kirstin, who was standing by one of the chairs.

She nodded, and appeared to take a gulp before responding, "It's okay. It gave me some time to get used to the sounds here. And I did just pop up unannounced."

"That reminds me," I fished my phone out of my pocket, "I need to get your phone number, so we can communicate better. Danny was quite adamant about it."

She laughed, taking my phone and putting her number in it, "Yeah, he gave me a hard time about it when I asked for his help to meet you. I hope he didn't bother you too much?"

I shook my head, "He wasn't bad, just... peculiar. How do you know him anyway? I doubt that he's a Werewolf."

She called her number with my phone, then ended the call and handed it back to me, "No, he's not. I guess I always just assumed he was a human. We were childhood friends. He was always a loner, and a bit odd. We lost contact for a few years, but I had his number so I called him when I needed to find you."

I placed my bag on the table and took a seat, and she did the same, "How does he do that anyway? Find me?"

She shrugged, "It's like a superpower of his or something. He was undefeated whenever we played hide-and-seek with our other friends, before he left the state."

"Why'd he leave?"

Another shrug, "He never told anyone why, and I guess we were too young to ever really get it anyway. His family just up and left one day."

Kirstin's words did nothing to allude to why he was the way he was now. A bit of strangeness and an unexplained move in his childhood didn't explain why I felt so primally uncomfortable with him.

I glanced at Kirstin, her arranging the documents and photos she'd come with. I wasn't at the point where I could share concerns I had about him with her, I didn't want that information coming back to bite me later.

I took my own documents out of my bag. I'd left the ones pertaining to our territory at home, and instead brought the plan timeline with me, along with signatures from the Alphas that had agreed to be our allies once we were established.

"Shall we begin?"

I launched into the progress made on my end, "We've gained three more members willing to join us. One of them is currently getting the territory of our pack ready for us to officially register it and accept members. The timeline for development is five to eight months, but it's already been over two months and there's been a lot of progress made."

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