Chapter 81 - Retribution: Vanity

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Brittany's P. O. V

My head throbbed.

The vile taste of bile and partially digested food filled my mouth and a matching smell assaulted my nose. The whole combo made my face twist in pain and disgust. I tried to raise a hand to my head but found I couldn't move it from where it was behind me.

"Oh, you're up."

My eyes snapped open.

It didn't take long for my sight to adjust to the dim room. The bitch Alpha was just a few feet away from me, leaning on a table with tools and knives on it. Besides the table, the room was bare, just an expanse of concrete.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. Literally. We had to keep you from choking on your vomit." She smiled, "Couldn't let that be what kills you, after all."

I tried to stand and the sound of chains rattling made me look down. I was chained to a metal chair that was bolted to the ground. My shackles were sturdy, barely giving me an inch of leeway to move my arms that were bound behind me, no matter how hard I strained against them.

I looked back at her with a fire in my eyes, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let me go!"

She tsked, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder as she shook her head.

Wait, brown?

Her hair had been black at the Mate Ball. Her looks were so obnoxiously obvious that I definitely wouldn't have missed it if her hair had been a wig.

"Now Brittany, is that any way to speak to an Alpha?"

I laughed, "As if you're a real Alpha. Once my pack comes for me, you and your play pack are gonna get what's coming to you. You have no fucking idea what you're dealing with."

She cocked her head, "What makes you think they're coming?"

James was likely in the same situation, but that didn't matter. It hadn't just been the two of us that had made the journey here. I'd had the idea to take someone with us that would remain outside the territory, in case we needed to get away quickly or something went wrong. I hadn't actually expected anything as bad as our captivity to happen, but I thanked La Luna that I'd bothered with the extra precaution.

If more than a day had passed since I'd lost consciousness, then our reserve agent would alert the pack of our situation.

Then they'd fucking know.

"Oh, is it cause of Hannah?" She chuckled like it was a silly notion.

Panic bubbled in my still queasy stomach, but I did my best to keep it off my face. Even without Hannah's useless ass, I texted daily updates to Beta Howling. In the chance that they got into my phone to text him as me, he'd hopefully be able to tell it wasn't me.

As if reading my mind, she pulled my phone out of her pocket, "By the way, Callum's dad says you shouldn't overdo it with the wolvesbane poison. You need to let us get a bit better before making it worse. Makes it seem more natural, you know?"

My stomach dropped.

"Nice touch trying to frame Timothy for it." She fingered an empty vial on the table, the same one I'd left in Tim's room, "Spreading dissent towards the absent Alpha and setting the overlooked Beta up as the saboteur? Smart move, it probably would have worked on a different pack. I guess Kirstin was right about you not being as dumb as I thought."


She'd run off a month before the Mate Ball. It had annoyed me cause she hadn't been a complete dead weight before she left. Kylie had been uncharacteristically chipper and Harry uncharacteristically dull that day, but all I'd cared about was the fact that she'd been the only semi competent person working for me and she'd just disappeared.

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