Chapter 70 - Bait

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Kirstin's P. O. V

After months of essentially becoming her right hand and shadow, I could say I knew Brittany almost as well as I knew the back of my hand.

I could predict almost all her reactions to different situations, I knew all her likes – and more importantly, her dislikes- and her true feelings about almost everyone in the pack.

I knew that she was secretly envious of the fact that Harry was next in line to lead.

I knew that she'd never felt an ounce of love for Callum.

I knew she'd never really liked Kylie, even before finding out about her betrayal with Callum.

And above all, I knew that she would move mountains if it meant finally getting her father's recognition.

We were in the work house, Brittany barking orders at some of the lower ranking higher-ups while I occasionally slinked away to steal information. Over the last few months, she'd managed to claw her way to some actual power, and was now considered more useful than Harry by most of the higher ups. Despite the fact that she'd effectively imposed herself on all his work, Harry seemed to have more enthusiasm about visiting the work house than he'd ever had before.

And I had a sneaking suspicion as to why...

He was almost always in the same room as Brittany and me, his eyes sneaking glances at me as Brittany berated him for one thing or another. His continued sneaking glances posed more than just one problem.

On top of the shivers he still sent down my spine as I pretended not to notice his eyes on me, his attention also meant that I couldn't do my job properly.

Thankfully, he wasn't around today. I ignored the twinges of disappointment as I worked in Brittany's shadow.

I was walking back to Brittany's side when my I caught a strong scent. Brittany must have noticed it to because she immediately looked up from the papers she's been pouring over, her back rod straight and eyes wide with tension.

The two others in the room with us scrambled to their knees and something told me I to follow their lead.

Just as I did, he stormed in.

I'd only seen him a handful of times. He normally ate with us when Harry and Brittany's birthday was near to show face, but he'd been absent this year. And from my time accompanying Brittany to the work house, I'd hear whispering of his escalating outbursts from people grateful for every day he wasn't around.

And we were about to find out why.

"Why haven't we destroyed those Acewoods yet?" He demanded.

The Beta, who trailed in after him answered in a small voice, "We're close Alpha. All we need is one more visit to put the last nail in the coffin and they'll collapse. This phase is critical and we need to be careful."

The Acewood pack was the best pack in the state, and our ally. And as our ally, they were also subject to sabotage. But it was taking a bit longer than usual, since the targets were usually smaller packs where intimidation also worked. It went without saying that the downfall of the Acewoods needed to be meticulously planned.

But Alpha Clark's impatience said otherwise.

"You've been saying that for almost a year, Howling. I want results and I want them now."

"Yes Alpha, we'll have it done right away." Beta Howling said, his frustration expertly supressed.

Alpha Clark waved him off and turned our way, approaching Brittany with a plastered-on smile, "Sweetheart, how are you enjoying your time here? Are you having fun?"

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