Chapter 11

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"Why did he try to mount Kiran? She's not his mate."

Her warm, completely naked body was now cuddled up against him. Only him. All alternate psyches shoved to the way, way back. They had their time with her already today. One was more successful than the other, but both were satiated and settled.

He had taken the lead in ensuring she was scrubbed clean of mud and inspected every square inch of her scalp, neck, and shoulders to ensure there wasn't any torn skin from the interaction between their wolves.

"Kasey still cares about you, even if you aren't the other half of his soul." Warm water covered them up to their armpits as they sat in his favorite place in the world, which was somehow made better with his company. "He was anxious when you were in a difficult to defend situation and relieved when you returned to him. But the agreement is between you and me, and I understand why Kiran rejected his advances."

The familiar pang of sadness grew in his chest. It doesn't matter how much Kasey adores Kiran; she will never accept him so long as her mate is still out there. Only a chosen mate bond would override her desire to seek out and submit to whoever he is.

The assignment of breeder can be broken. A mate bond is everlasting. He can not, in good faith, approach her about it. Not with her situation, where she doesn't have any other viable choices. Except one.

Sir Lucas is gone, but his offer remains open. Should she choose to leave him, one phone call and the King's Advisor would be here with an army by sunrise.

Another twitch went through her. As relaxed as he had been, she certainly was not.

"What does... what will Amiri look like... when we mate?"

A valid question. The answer is hard to share.

"He will be in full form." Some of his kind shift for their pack. It helps show them how different they are and how grateful the pack should be to have such a strong and fierce champion looking over them. He never saw that as helpful. It felt more like a threat to the pack than a commitment to protect them. So other than a few warriors and some combatants just before they were killed, his lycan form is not well known.

"I kind of saw him once, from a distance. It was late, and I shouldn't have been out, but I was restless." His arms were locked around her, keeping in contact with her partially buoyant body.

"What did you think?"

A peaceful moment passed as she seemed to be recalling what she saw. "It was dark, so I didn't see much, and you were in the treeline. But he is big. Height and width."

Well, at least she isn't horrified.

"You're nervous?"

"Not only nervous."

The sound of amusement in her voice caught his attention. This is about to take an unexpected turn.

"What else?"

Her voice dropped to a loud whisper like she was making a confession. "It's a little exciting too."

Well, Amiri heard that and was now screaming to be let out. That was in no way, shape, or form going to happen. With eyelids slammed closed, he focused on shoving the beast back to where he belonged: In his time-out, leaving Dominic alone with his breeder.

While blind to the world and stiff from concentrating on the annoying psyche who insisted that he be the center of attention, she moved and adjusted. Finally, pulling rank and fulfilling the moon goddess's directive that the human side be in charge, he gained control and opened his eyes.

Her face was right in front of his, thighs straddled his lap. The curves of her shoulders and the top of her breasts above the waterline. The attention he was getting was enough to make a grown wolf shudder.

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Where stories live. Discover now