Chapter 27

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The urge to pull away was quelled by his command, thank heavens. Any perceived hesitation could spoil this plan.

She had never been so at odds with her own body before.

Contrasting against the robotic movement of his hips, his soft golden eyes projected all kinds of warmth and concern. Even with the draw to the doorway that her mate was sure to come through in a second, she couldn't turn away from him.

A jiggle of the handle and she arched back, giving more access and control to her lover. The added benefit of turning her face towards the ceiling was that it hid any sudden rush of emotions that would betray her intent.

His strength pulled her to the edge of the surface so that her weight was on him. Great move to again show more enthusiasm than she might be able to muster in her current state of mate bond. She would be jostled with him, unable to show how much she was doing versus what he was doing.

Just behind her forehead, a wave of lightheadedness started and then roared along the inside surface of her skull. An electrifying buzz ignited her spine just as the word "Mate" was heard. A discovery and an accusation.

Sandalwood and seawater. It was like standing on a cliff with the forest behind her and a violent ocean roaring away below. Spindrift in her face and woods at her back.

A growl rumbled from a foot away. The vibrations passing not just through the air but through her connection to him. Registering in her core, traveling the distance of her skeleton.

Kiran, under strict orders not to interfere, whined and cried. She was begging not for Sophia to change her mind but for the entire situation to be different.

With the buzz settled down and the rolling undulations of her lover slowing, she felt the growing unease release. Her emotions were wild but delegated to roam deep under the surface where they could do no harm for the next five minutes or however long this would take.

Lifting her neck out of its stretched position, she first looked towards the male above her. His strong profile was in her view as he rightfully kept his focus on the male who had just walked in. Her...

"Mate," she responded and looked over to lay her eyes on who the Moon Goddess had separated her from at her spiritual conception. The other half of her soul.

He looked just like the image Ava had provided the details for to the sketch artist. Scheming eyes and a soft jaw, dropping down to a pointed chin. Dirty blonde hair, wavy and rugged, that would never look clean. His tactical pants and tight shirt emphasizing his wiry frame were black, showing his dedication to staying in the shadows while he slinked around this facility tracking her or other potential victims.

"He raped Ava, Kiran. I will not allow him to bond with us."

"It hurts so much. Why did she do this to us?" Kiran begged for resolution. She was supposed to guide them to their mate and knock down any obstacles to them being together. That was her charge. But even she couldn't submit to this situation.

"I don't know, but we'll get through this." Everyone was having conversations with their wolves right now. Eyes were flowing between colors, and the strain showed on all three faces in the room. "Maybe it was because even he has a mate, and she wanted someone strong enough to reject him."

"What are you...."

"If you'll excuse me," She interrupted him with more confidence than her heart was feeling, "I'm not done yet."

The newcomer faltered and collapsed to his knees on the hardwood floors. Still straining to comprehend not just the scene he walked into but the ongoing duration of it. No doubt, expecting her to jump away and ask for forgiveness show signs of embarrassment at her indiscretion.

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Where stories live. Discover now