8. The tale of a drunk night

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When I dropped Ayla at her house, I felt the urge to talk to Leah about all this . I didn't when she called me the other day because I didn't want to ruin her good news with my personal life, besides I didn't think it really needed to be talked about . I just met my former crush at a random party while being completely drunk and she then drove me home because she was the nicest girl ever . Yeah, that was a completely normal situation right ? Right ?

Anyway, it was almost 8pm when she finally answered her phone greeting me with a way too enthousiastic 'hello' . She didn't even let me time to talk, spreading details of the whole wedding organisation like her life depended on it . Well, I guess it kind of did . She eventually finished talking realizing that there was someone on the other side of the line . Don't get me wrong, I'm truly happy that her life is going on the way she always wished but right now, I needed my highschool friend for a moment .

"Hey you remember Ayla ?" I asked as if she could've forget her .

"Ayla ? Like THE Ayla you totally had a crush on in highschool ?" She said loudly .

"Yeah that one"

"Of course I remember, how could I forget ? So what, what about her ?"

"Oh nothing we just saw each other at a party a week ago, it was funny seing her" I replied nonchalantly like it was no big deal .

"It was funny seing her ? Aimee Queen you're my best friend since I can't remember when and your telling me it was funny ?"

"I mean yeah I ju- I just yeah okay it was a bit weird but you know..." at this point my brain was telling me to give up, embarrassement turning me into a speaking mess .

"Weird ? Like how weird ? Like were you two okay or- no wait, tell me you weren't drunk"

"Umm... maybe I was a little" I replied feeling like a kid revealing he just broke his mom's favorite vase .

"A little as in someone-able-to-stand-alcohol or a little as in you-not-standing-alcohol ?"


"Yeah I think I got the answer, so what did you do ?" she asked urging me to tell her the rest of my ridiculously miserable story that she however seemed to enjoy .

"Actually I was not really able to do anything so..."

"She helped your drunk-self being less of your drunk-self" she stated not needing to know my answer given the fact that she might've seen me drunk more than all my friends reunited ( which besides wasn't a lot ) .

"Yeah..." I said seing that my cover couldn't hold any longer "she gave me a glass of water"

"Wow, that's awesome"

"You're making fun of me"

"You're perceptive" she chuckled and I heard her drinking then whispering something "Yeah that champagne is great"

She was tasting different champagnes or was I dreaming . The sound of clattering bottles confirmed that she was indeed trying on some probably expensive champagnes for her wedding .

"She also drove me home"

"What?!" she chocked and coughed so hard I thought her lungs were gonna give up on her .

"Yeah but that's no big deal" I lied .

"Ayla, THE Ayla drove you home and YOU, the Aimee who was madly in love with her is telling me 'it was no big deal'?" she asked out of breath .

"Well I'm not seventeen anymore so nope, no big deal" I myself couldn't believe a word I was saying and I knew she couldn't either .

"Aimee ?"

"What ?"

"Don't fall in love with her again"

"Better not, she has a boyfriend"

"Oh how did you find out ?" she asked her voice suddenly more gentle than before .

"Something about a truth or dare" I answered flinching at the thought of his arm around her shoulders .

"Is he hot ?"

"Kinda but he's a jerk"

"Are you saying that because he's going out with your crush ?"

"Wh-She's not my crush Leah, besides he really is a shitbag, he forced her to kiss him" I said defending my point of view with a bit much enthousiasm .

"Wow okay he is a shitbag . Anyway, don't fall for her okay ? It's not a good idea"

"I know, I won't"

I ended the call wishing her a goodnight and laid on my bed my head landing on something hard . I removed my sketchbook from under my head and opened it looking at the drawings I'd made a few days ago . I suddenly sat up and grabbed my pencils before starting to draw . This time I didn't need a model I knew straight from my imagination what I was gonna draw so after two hours of tracing lines and creating shadows I looked at my new work that appeared to be kind of a Greek godess with a long and fluid red dress, dark hair, and bright green eyes . Fuck .


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