17. I'm sorry...

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"Hi Aimee"

I froze my hand still on the door handle . I couldn't just say bye and walk out the door like that, it was rude right ? I should say something, anything, find an excuse to be able to go home but my imagination which was usually full of perfectly credible stories was now as empty as Dean's brain .

"Hi..." I whispered still looking at the door .

"You're okay ?" she asked coming closer like the situation wasn't awkward enough for me . She really couldn't see what she was doing to me .

"I am, you ?" I finally turned towards her, my bag falling on the floor as she stood less than a meter away from me wearing a large grey shirt her loose hair framing her face .

"Yep" she smiled and I swear I almost had a heart attack "Just a bit hungover I guess"

"Ahah..." I laughed more embarrassed than ever "You should've seen Justin"

We stayed here in silence for a few minutes before she finally spoke breaking the awkwardness between us .

"Did I... did I do weird things yesterday ? I can't remember anything after 1am" she chuckled scratching her head .

She went to sleep at 2am, she didn't remember . That was probably for the best .

"Umm... nope you-you were just doing funny things" I insisted on the funny avoiding to speak about how she danced on the table giving everytging she had on Highway to hell surrounded by more than half the amount of people at the party .

"Good....good" and the silence was back the atmosphere getting heavier and heavier every second .

She looked like out of a movie, the light reflecting perfectly on her face, her eyes caughting the viewer's attention because that's what she does . She attracts people . She attracted me, now I was trapped .

"I-I should go" I stuttered losing all kind of self-confidence "You need help with... the cleaning ?"

"What ? Oh umm no it's fine, I'm fine, you're nic- I mean that's nice, thanks" and before I could think of anything to say back she kissed my cheek her hair brushing my skin, her perfume turning my senses upside down .

I was unable to do anything and everything around me, around us, seemed to have completely disappeared, the vision of the living-room vanishing in the moment . She stepped away still standing close to me her eyes avoiding mine as she was nervously scratching her arm .

"You're welcome..." I whispered more than said "Bye"

And with that I was driving home tears threatening to fall again . I was in deep shit .


Ayla's POV

Why ? Why did I have to kiss her ? Couldn't I just say bye like a normal human being ? I should've stopped at 'thanks' but at this right moment it was like my brain stopped functionning leaving my heart take control over my whole body . Why ? Why was I having goosebumps everytime she was around, everytime she looked at me ? She is my friend, just my friend . And I have a boyfriend, a boyfriend who doesn't seem to care though... But still Dean's my boyfriend, I love him, I love Dean, I love... Why... My life is set up like clockwork, I graduated, I have a boyfriend, my parents are proud of me, I can't let anything disturb this perfection, I can't .

I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed taking my head in my hands . I was trembling from head to toe, my heart beating faster than ever . Not an other panick attack please... But as I laid on my bed trying to relax I felt something under the covers, my hand reached for it pulling out a black sweater I recognized right away . So this wasn't a dream, she staid with me all night long and I asked her to .

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