23. A morning gift

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Waking up next to her was probably the best feeling ever . Her being so close to me, her hair spread around her like a black ocean, her light perfume sending shivers down my spine . She is the definition of an angel . The small breaths she was taking were the only thing disturbing the perfect silence of this winter morning along with the quiet echo of the others laughing downstairs . I could stay here forever and watch her sleep until the last moment .

"Are you staring at me?" she whispered her eyes still closed .

"I am" I laughed "It's hard not too"

She smiled moving closer, her hands laying on my neck as she placed the sweetest kiss on my lips .

"Morning" she whispered in my ear turning me into a blushing mess .

"Stop that..." I smiled .

"What?" she chuckled her lips brushing my neck .

"Making me blush"

She backed off a few inches and smirked at me "Indeed" she said kissing me again her hand travelling down my waist . She was killing me .

"I've never felt so safe" she looked at me with this brightness in her eyes "Thank you..."

I couldn't say anything . That was surely the most beautiful thing someone has ever said to me and the only thing I could do was to kiss her harder, her heart beating against mine as she layed on top of me her body shivering .

"Are you cold?" I asked puting a hair strand behind her ear .

"N-No I'm fine"



"You don't have to lie to me" I smiled "And we don't have to go further now"

She mouthed a 'thank you'  and snuggled to my side . I pulled up the covers on her making sure she wasn't cold anymore .

"You're okay Ayla" I stroked her hair humming a childhood lullaby that came into my mind right this moment .

"You're the one making me feel okay..." she whispered .






"Oh come on girl, spill the tea!"

"There's no tea to be spilled"

"Aimee" Justin was giving that don't-mess-with-me look "You spent the night with the girl you've been crushing on since highschool"

"See? You already know everything" I smiled .

"I hate you"

"No you don't, come on I would rather be home before Christmas" 

"It's in two days"

"Yeah and if you keep pacing around I'm afraid we'll have to sleep here tonight, come on" I picked up my suitcase and walked to Justin's car outside . Today was the last time I woke up to the view of the forest and I was going to miss it hard . But at least I was going back in town with her .

"Hey need help?" she asked coming out of the car .

"I'm fine thank you" I smiled closing the trunk snow falling on my feet .

"Okay" she kissed me "Sit next to me?"

"Sure" I kissed her back enjoying our last moment here .

"Okay guyyys stop kissing and climb in this car!" Justin shouted passing by, his arms full of bags and boxes .

Still loving you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora