25. 5 years later...

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"Justin, hurry up!" my shoes in my hand I was running barefoot trying not to step on my dress .

"I'm hurrying!" Justin shouted behind my back breathing so loud I was almost worried he could pass out . But he could actually pass out I would not let anything make me late . Not today . Not on my wedding day .

"Justin I swear if you don't run faster I'm gonna kill you"

"Well... you're gonna have...to carry my body" he sighed "Why didn't you guys choose a limo?"

"Because of fucking climate change Justin!" I stopped in front of the door breathing in and out slowly while Justin sat on a tree stump letting out all the bad words he knew .

"Watch your tongue when you have her in your arms please" I warned him .

"Come on, she's one year old how could she understand" he laughed .

"One and a half" I corrected "And she's really smart for her age"

He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders smiling at me "Come on Aim', it's the day you've been waiting for your all life"

"Not my whole life" I rolled my eyes trying not to blush .

"Well, at least all senior year" he smirked.

He opened the door for me and I was welcomed by Meela running to me as fast as her little legs allowed her to, her white dress making her look like a princess . She giggled as I picked her up from the floor and soon enough my eyes met the most beautiful woman on Earth .

"Hey" she whispered kissing me and Meela laughed giving a kiss herself to her mother .

"You're..." I couldn't find the words to describe how stunning she was, in her white dress, her dark curls falling perfectly in her back, a crown of flowers in her hair and these eyes she passed on to Meela .

"Not bad yourself" she smiled and it was exactly like the first day I layed eyes on her, still the same felling, the same goosebumps everytime she'd speak or do anything . But there was something else, a kind of comfort we settled in together .

"And how's my little girl?" she took a laughing Meela in her arms and I couldn't hold back the tears from rolling down my cheeks as she took my hand in hers walking out the door followed by our families and friends . They were all here . Justin of course holding Sara's hand holding her twins', Louis and Jake who accidentally kissed at a party and never stopped since, Maya who went exploring the world on her own but came back for the wedding, Mrs.Gailor waving a rainbow flag, Ayla's parents who became -against all odds- besties with my parents who were currently taking as much pictures as they could, my dad crying and laughing at the same time while my little sister was filming everything, capturing this moment to -as would say Ayla- watch it in our old days . And of course, Leah, throwing flowers all around taking her job way too seriously which made us smile even more.

We walked among the trees for fifteen minutes and finally heard the sound of the river, the water running in front of us . Memories of five years ago came floading in my mind and looking at Ayla I could say it was the same for her . She squeezed my hand as we remembered our first kiss under the snow, when it was still complicated and unsure but today the sun was shining on us and we were sure .

I was amazed by the work everybody put into it . The decorations, the music, everything was perfect . They all sat on the benches, in front of an arche of flowers where was waiting the mayor . Ayla put down Meela who runned to my sister and sat on her lap .

"Shall we?" Ayla whispered taking my hand leading me under the arche . I smiled as we stood face to face squeezing her hands tighter as my heart was beating so fast in my chest . The mayor was going to start talking in a second and the only thing I could feel, was my love for her .

"We are gathered here today..." began the mayor "to celebrate the union of Aimee and Ayla, to witness and support their love, and to share their happiness . Love is a complicated journey, but behind the shadows of our sentiments must we always remember that light never stops shining . And it is more than obvious that light has blessed these two souls... Aimee Queen... Do you take Ayla Estrella as your wife, to love and help her no matter what?"

I gathered every ounce of love I felt towards this perfect girl and let out a 'I do' I hoped the entire world could hear . She smiled at me squeezing my hand harder as the mayor turned towards her .

"Ayla Estrella, do you take Aimee Queen as your wife and promise to love and help her no matter what?"

"Yes!" she almost shouted beaming and her eyes shining with tears . I felt like my heart was gonna explode as she kissed me and the world seemed to stop turning for a moment . Only the need for air made us break our kiss bringing us back to reality, reality where our family was applauding and smiling and just like that happiness had invited itself to the show . It was like all the good memories were floating around us, remembering of how important she was to me, how important we were to each other .

"I love you Aimee Queen"

"I love you my angel"

<3 the end ...

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