2 - // For The First Time // - 2

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It had been a month since you and Saiki had made your deal. You had practically been attached to him at the hip. You were in a coffee shop on the weekend. He had ordered coffee jelly and you had ordered a cupcake.

"So you like other stuff then coffee jelly?" He nodded. You smiled and noted it down in a book.

"Are you just noting random stuff about me down in that book? You've been doing it for ages. What are you gonna do with that information..?" You nodded.

"Nothing too much, i just like keeping stuff. I have a very secret hiding place for my stuff i don't want people seeing so don't worry too much." You smiled. He gave you a suspicious look but didn't say anything else. Your food came and you looked up at your cupcake to see him eating. He had a pleasured look on his face. A smile broke out onto your face.

'AW hes so cute when hes showing emotion!!' He gives you a look making you giggle.

"You know.. You should come round my house soon." He shakes his head.

"I've already been there cause of your pervy brother." You laugh.

"No i mean for me and in my room." You smirk. He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever fine." You hurray and carry on eating.


Ding dong.

"Huh whats up Saiki? You normally just teleport if you need something." A skid of the feet is heard from behind them and they turn to see you slid round the corner.

"HEY SAIKI!! WOW you actually came!!" You giggled; shocked.

"I mean i said i would." You shook your head with a massive smile on your face.

"I'll get some food, Reita can you show Saiki to my room?" Toritsuka had an annoyed look on his face.

"Sure.." He said walking off Saiki trailing behind him. They got to your room.

He looked around.

'doesn't shock me her room looks like this.' Toritsuka was stood by the door staring at Saiki. He turned to look at the purple haired boy.

"Listen..." He stopped for a second. He looked at him stern then looked away. "Never mind. Have fun." He waved then walked off. He would have read his thoughts but he was wearing his ring.

'that was weird.'

"AH GET OFFFFF!!" You yelled, shaking something off your foot as you stumbled into your room with two coffee jellys. You used the same foot to close the door. You grinned and placed both plates on a table with a cutesy sofa behind it. You put your hand out inferring for him to sit. He did just that and you followed. "I'm so happy you actually wanted to come round!" You beamed. He sighed in his head.

'I guess if it makes her happy. But why? Why does her hanging around me make her so happy..'


"I like your sweater." He said, opening the pot. Your eyes widened and a small bit of rose sprouted on your cheeks. You looked down at it and smiled.

"Thanks! I've had it forever." It was pink with bunny ears on the hood and a small Sanrio logo. "I showed Reita and he was- well Reita about it." You said rolling your eyes at the thought of your brother. The pink haired boy chuckled. Your eyes quickly followed to his face. A small smile rested upon his lips. He hadn't even taken a bite out of the jelly yet. You looked at him surprised but happy.

He turned to you smile still there then saw the look on your face and it soon faded into a 'wtf am i doing' look.

'why did i- why was i- what am i doing???' You giggled putting a hand over your mouth. His mouth grew into a smile again.

'I LOVE HIS SMILE SO MUCH WHY DOESN'T HE DO IT MOREEE!?' He coughed trying to get the smile off his face.

'Does she have some sort of power that makes me- She must have powers like Toritsuka.' He thought trying to come to any solution possible other then the fact you make him happy.

"Do you have powers, i know your brother does so.. Do you?" You stop for a minute, your lips parting smile wiped.

"Yes." You say abruptly without explaining. You look away from him; opening your jelly and using your spoon to take a bite. He looks confused. "I'm guessing you already know since-" You look at his hands a see a ring. You pick up his hand and closely inspect it. "Is that a germanium ring?"

"How did you-" You look at his face.

"I'm guessing you don't know then." He looks at you confused.

'She really is impressive..'

"Well then.. Its called informant basically i can summon information or spirits to pass on info. Its how i know so much about your powers and you. But It's kinda pathetic compared to your powers" He shakes his head.

"No it's not. Sounds cool." Your face brightens up once again and you jump on him. He leans back letting you hug him. He wouldn't do this for anyone else. But why does he do it for you?

"YOU'RE SO NICE SAIKI!" He gives you a smile as you pull yourself off of him. You give him a big smile back.

Part 3?

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