7 - // moonlight on the river // - 7

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It was a school day and you hadn't seen Saiki anywhere. You decided to go to his class and ask if he was there. You saw one of his "annoyances" as he would put it; Kaidou.

"Ah Kaidou!" You said running up to him. He turned to you.

"Ah Y/N.. Have you seen some dark force?! Don't worry, I, Jet Black Wings will save you!" You shake your head.

"Have you seen Saiki today??" He hums.

"No he's out sick, sorry." You nod sadly.

"aw okay.." He notices your sadness and feels bad.

"Hey but um, i got told to give him his work but I'm sorta busy.. Dark matters aha.- If you wanna do it instead..??" Your eyes lit up.

"Definitely!" He gives you a small smile.

- after school -

*knock knock*

"Oh, hello. who are you?" Saiki's must be dad answered the door. You had never been round his house, normally he'd come round yours or you'd go out. Saiki's mom came around the corner.

"oh and who is this!! You are just the cutest!!" She exclaimed. Your cheeks went a bit pink and you smiled.

"I'm um, I'm Saiki's friend.. I came to bring him his work he missed out today." They both nodded and ushered you in.

"Just place it down there, Hes up in his bedroom trying to sleep" You nodded.

"He doesn't normally get sick so this is a bit odd." You felt helpless that you couldn't do anything. You parted your lips for a second.

"Would you mind if i went up to see him?" They nodded with a small smile. Your eyes glowed and a massive smile appeared on your face. They both awed at your reaction. You climbed their stairs and lightly tapped on the door they said was his.

You slowly opened it and he was lied down, sleeping. You crouched next to him and looked at him sadly. You stroked his hair as he slept, adoring his face. He never looked more peaceful.

'I never noticed how cute he is.'  You giggled to yourself.

'Yea, well. I'm actually awake i woke up when she started stroking my hair.'

Your hand fluttered to his forehead. It was boiling hot. You crawled up and grabbed your phone which you worriedly threw on the floor. You searched up sick cures.

Most of the them involved him having to be awake. You sighed and turned back to him. You began to fiddle with his hair again brushing it out of his face.

"I wish i could help. I should probably let you sleep, I don't wanna accidentally wake you." You smiled adoringly at his face. You got up and leaned close to his forehead giving it a small peck. You soon exited the room with a smile leaving Saiki annoyed and confused.

'I swear to god. If this turns into some of that 'trues love kiss' crap. I will actually kill everyone on this earth.'

And of course because everything hates him and this was a world full of mediums, psychic's fortune tellers whatever. He suddenly felt a million times better.

"God if you're real. You must really hate me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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