4 - // Blue boy // - 4

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"Wheres my beautiful girl?" You hear your dad speak. You take a deep breath before putting on a smile.


"Hi dad!" You said running up to him, he pulls you into a tight embrace. He pulls away to observe you.

"Look at how much you've grown!" You smile. "You should come visit more! We miss you." Your mother sighs.

"D/N you should stop asking that! She'll visit when she wants to." Your dad gave your mom a look.

"Yeah, yeah." You giggled. He looks towards Saiki. He gives you a smirk. "So who's this?" Your eyes light up. You excitedly run up next to Saiki.

"Dad this is Saiki! He's my BEST FRIEND!" You glow. Your dads eyes widen. He puts a hand out.

"Best friend huh?" You furiously shake your head.

'Don't get any ideas old man.'

Saiki reaches a hand out and grabs your fathers. "Nice to meet you, Sir."

"The pleasures mine. And please call me D/N." He nods and they unlink hands.

"Okay we're gonna go unpack! See you in a sec!" You beamed grabbing Saiki's hand and pulling him towards the stairs.

"Hey i can walk." You giggled and let go. You climbed the stairs up to your bedroom to find a grinning Toritsuka in your room furiously typing on your computer.

"What are you doing." He jumped and fell out his seat. He quickly rolled backwards and sat up.

"NOTHING!" He exclaimed quickly getting up and sliding out your room past the two of you. You rolled your eyes and walked in. You unpacked and he stood waiting until he said;

"So i didn't even think of asking this but, where am i gonna sleep." Your mouth formed an "o" shape and your eyes lit up like you just remembered (because you did). You then walked out your room and he trailed behind you.

You walked into a neatly looking room with a double bed in the middle of it.

"This is the guest room! I hope its okay?" He nodded. "You can get unpacked and everything i'm gonna get some food." You closed the door behind you and knocked on Toritsuka's door.

"Ya?" You opened the door and leaned against his door frame. "Whadya want?"

"Come on." He groaned. He slid the headband out of his hair and shook his hair up. You smiled.

"I don't know why you wear that crusty headband you look better without it." He rolled his eyes.

"Shuddap." You followed him downstairs.

"Whaaaaat i'm being honest!" You sat down in the living room on one of the couches.

"Nice to see you son." You father spoke. You brother gave him a nod. "How did you know Saiki then?" Your brother took a seat next to you.

"Oh i heard some stuff about him and we became friends from there." Your parents nodded.

"Was nice of you to let your sister get closer to him." He shrugged.

"I don't know, i mean its not really my choice who he hangs out with. And as long as hes not hurting her i don't really care." You smiled at your brother. You slid out from the living room into the kitchen where you grabbed something out of the fridge and quickly slid back into the living room. Saiki soon came down and you all chatted.


It was the second night at your parents and you couldn't seem to sleep. You decided to sneak away from your bedroom. You creaked into a pink haired boys bedroom.

"What are you doing up this late? Let alone disturbing me." You nervously chuckled.

"Sorry.. I couldn't sleep.." You sigh. He nods and sits up.

"Whys that?"

"I don't know.. Just stuff on my mind i guess." He lifts an eyebrow which you couldn't see because of how dark it was in the room.

"and whats that?" You give him a confused look. You then realise he must have his ring on.

"Why are you wearing a ring to bed-?"

"It helps me sleep. Answer my question." You nod as you sit on the end of his bed.

"Well.. Okay you're gonna think i'm pathetic and stupid after i tell you this but... I can't help but feel like no one is ever gonna love me..-"

'That is definitely not true.'

"i'm just scared that i'm unlovable and that i'm never gonna have my first kiss. Like i just need affection like even if it meant nothing you know what i mean?.."

'Actually i don't but i guess i'll go along with it.' Saiki sighs.

"Give me your hand." You tilt your head.

"Wha-" Before you can carry on you can feel a warm hand interlink with yours. Your eyes widen and your lips part.

"Why are your hands so soft." You giggle as he rubs the back of your hand before linking your hands again.

You both sit in silence for a minute him rubbing his thumb up and down your knuckle. He sighs once again.

'I feel like this isn't enough.' He thinks to himself, not knowing you're going insane in your mind wanting to kick your legs and scream into a pillow.

"Come closer." Your eyes widen once again.

"H-huh..?" You accidentally stutter.

"Sit closer to me." You hesitate before nodding. You slide next to him still quite far away. He grabs your waist and pulls you closer. You look at him. You face was only a few inches away from his. You rest your head on his shoulder. He still holds onto your hand. Though your mind was very awake you began to feel very sleepy. You shut your eyes.

"I should probably go back to my bedroom huh." You say sleepily.

"You can sleep here if you want. If anyone comes in, in the morning i can easily make them forget it." You nod.

"Okay.. Thanks for this Saiki.. I know i'm probably being a massive bother for this but i really do appreciate it..-" You yawn before saying more. "I really like being around you.. I couldn't imagine sitting here and doing this with anyone else. Which might sound weird. I should probably shut up before i say something i'll regret... I tend to do that when i'm-.. t...ti..red..." You drift off into cloudy cat-filled dreams. Saiki sighs yet again. He lies down and pulls you down with him. He lets go of your hand and goes to turn over when something hits him.

'I probably shouldn't let her wake up to me being rolled over. I think its best if i just hold onto her until the morning.' Saiki wraps two arms around your waist and pulls your back into his chest. Your bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. He was basically convincing his own-self (Something that even he knew) a reason why he should cuddle you and not just coming to terms with that fact that he wants to.

You two slept soundly and when you woke up your cheeks went red immediately realising you and Saiki had been cuddling through the night.

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