5 - // One More Love Song // - 5

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Saiki was round your house again and you decided to make some drinks for you two. He waited in your room playing video games. He had grew accustomed to your house and you. Reita walked by your room and saw him.

"Oh Saiki i didn't realise you were here." He nodded at the medium. Reita poked his head down the hall to check on you. 

"Hey can you make me a drink too?" He asked. You groaned.

'That should buy me some more time.' 

"Listen we need to talk." Saiki paused the game and looked at him. "Come with me." He sighed and got up. They walked into your brothers room and sat. He sat there for a couple seconds like he was reconsidering talking about whatever it was. He let out a sigh.

"Just get on with it then." He turned his eyes away from the floor and at Saiki.

"Look. I know what you're like. You think of everyone as an annoyance and never wanna hang out with anyone." Saiki kept his emotionless face though he was confused. "But my sisters different from the rest. Yea, shes annoying and blah blah. But.." He stopped for a moment looking at the wall.

"She truly cares about you. It's so strange. Before she met you she was: Quiet, apart from having her outbursts every now and then, reserved, the only thing she'd really do is read books and play video games, she wasn't really a social person. But after she found out about, she became more open and happy. and then when she met you.. It's like something in her switched on, shes well you know how she is. Don't get me wrong its not bad at all. But i can't even think of what would happen if you pushed her away or do what you do with everyone? Just all i'm asking is that you don't hurt her. I know there's no way i can even threaten you but just think about her in this case instead.-"

"You're such an idiot." Saiki interrupted. "Do you really think of me that badly? If i was gonna hurt anyone it certainly wouldn't be her. So don't worry about it. I don't need you giving me the brother talk." A smile formed on Reita's lips.

"I don't know whats going on with you two but you definitely have something for her. A soft spot. Is that even possible for you?" He laughs. Saiki stops at the door.

"There's nothing between me and Y/N. I don't feel anything of that sorts towards her." Reita lays back closing his eyes.

"Whatever you say dude. You'll realize eventually." Saiki opens the door about to step out when he nearly walks into you.

"Hey- What are you doing in Reita's room..?" You asked suspiciously.

"He was rating my porno girls" Reita smirks. You give him an unimpressed look.

"Don't be a weirdo." You giggle at his comment and sneak around him and pass your brother his drink.

"Thanks." You nod.

"You can stay with Reita if you want but i am not hanging out here your room, gives me a horrible aura.." He gives you an offended look.

"No i think i'm good." Saiki says sternly. You giggle and walk out your brothers room. 

"What were you two talking about?" You questioned. He shook his head.

"Just some stupid stuff he was saying." You nodded still confused but didn't wanna push it. 

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