Chapter 33

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He hesitated at first. I didn't think that would come from my mouth. My hormones were bouncing, and he looked terrific. The next thing I knew, I was pinned down on the bed. And kissing me passionately. I didn't see it coming. His soft lips on mine and his breath synchronized with mine. His touch sends electricity through my body. This was the only thing I wanted. But before we continued, he stopped.

"Are you okay," I ask. He sighs and climbs off of me.

"Addison, I think we should wait until the timing is right and we aren't hiding from Lee," he said. I was surprised to find out that one. My heart sank to my feet. What if he didn't want to?

"Addison, it's not that I don't want to; I do, I do, but let's not rush it, not until we are safe and everything is normal," he said. I didn't feel as bad now. He wanted to make love, but not at the moment. So I could understand that.

"It's okay, I get it," I said, sitting up, "I'm just going to put some clothes on."

He nods, and I get up from the bed. He sighs, looking away from me. And I knew he was only doing it not to be tempted. I wasn't angry or upset, just surprised. When I finished putting my clothes on, I slid back into bed. I didn't want to say anything else because I may have made him mad. And I didn't want him shutting down on me. Maybe he would like to explore these feelings further when we are all safe from Lee.

I closed my eyes, hoping I would sleep, but I just couldn't. I felt as if my head was spinning round and round. The wheels wouldn't stop turning. But my body was so exhausted. Having my leg almost ripped off by a wolf was not fun. And it didn't help that I pushed myself, too. I kept lying awake, thinking about what would happen if we didn't get to Lee before we got to him. Maybe it was time to head in arms blazing.

I sat up, moving myself to the side of the bed. Trying not to wake Derek, who was still asleep. He must have been tired; never resting was getting to him. It was getting to me, too. I was almost killed and then mulled by a wolf. There were too many close encounters. But I wasn't going to let those things scare me.

I slipped my shoes on and put my robe on, too. And then I slipped out of the room into the kitchen. The only thing I could think of was sitting at the bar and trying to coax myself into sleeping. So that's what I did. For the first ten minutes, it was quiet. And there was no noise. But then I heard something. It sounded like walking. Leaves crunching. Was everyone sleeping? Surely, if Derek were asleep, Wesley would have been keeping watch.

I got up and looked out the kitchen window, where I saw something loving outside. But it was too short to be Wesley. And to talk to Dani or the girls. And it looked a little faster than Noah and Matthew. And a lot taller than me, for sure. I could only see a dark figure standing by one of the more enormous trees closer to the back porch. And then I could see something else, another figure. Probably a man, like the first one, but shorter than the first one. Both had dimmed flashlights, and I couldn't determine who it was.

I opened the drawer and found a butcher knife, and I grabbed it. Clutching it in my right hand. I backed away slowly, looking at the front door. It was not locked, but it was shut. So I walked over to where no one was outside keeping Watch. But the figures were coming closer to the porch. The lights were turned off on the porch, but I just remembered that I had to turn the lights in the kitchen off. I could hear something, though. A voice.

"I saw the light. Should we go in? Do you think they are in there?" The taller man said. The shorter one hesitates for a moment.

"We will wait for a few minutes, radio the boss, see what he wants us to do," he said. That must be Lee's people. They weren't talking real loud, but loud enough. I back up, going to the kitchen, I turn the lights off. They couldn't see anything from the front.

I walk into Derek's room, where he is still asleep. The window is completely open. The curtains aren't closed. If I turned the lights on, someone could see. So I walk over to the window and gently pull the curtains together. They wouldn't be able to see anything. I didn't want to wake him, but what if they came in? Would they? The two men came closer to the window. I couldn't see them, but I could hear them silently talking to each other.

"Boss said to see if there's a way in without alerting them, maybe a window or a door," the taller one said. This could have been better. The windows were usually locked, but there was always a chance. I gulp and step back. I look back at Derek. He's holding a gun! Of course.

I slide over to him and place my hand on the gun; he is dead asleep, so he doesn't notice or flinch. It's not like him to sleep this deep. But again, he was tired. I slide the gun from his grasp. I looked to see if it was loaded before cocking it. And I was ready if someone tried to come in. I had a few lessons in shooting a gun and hitting the target, everyone. I could shoot a pistol if I needed to.

The men kept trying to rattle quietly on the windows. I was the only one who could hear them, but I had an idea. I left Derek sleeping. The door was locked now so that they wouldn't get in. I walked upstairs, trying to keep the creaking down. When I reached Wesley's room, I opened the door slowly to see him and Dani sleeping. But Wesley stirred a lot. So maybe he would wake up if I poked him. I walked over to his side of the bed and began poking his arm. He groaned but woke up.

"Addison, what are you doing with a gun at two in the morning," he asked, whispering loudly. I motioned for him to be quiet and follow. He sighs and climbs out of bed. Not realizing what was going on. When we left in the hall, I stopped him and put my finger to my mouth.

"Two of Lee's men are outside. I heard them radioing him; they were trying to find a way in without alerting us, but I was up and heard them. I took Derek's gun; I didn't want to wake him," I said. His eyes widened as I spoke.

"We have to wake him, Addison; he needs to know," he said. I shook my head.

"They don't want to break in. They want to sneak in, catch us asleep, and kill us; if we fight, they won't stay here. Only two of them," I said. I sigh.

"You're not fighting; I don't want you getting hurt, Addison, and not just because Derek would kill me; I care about you; that's not happening; at least let me wake Noah and Matthew," he said. I nod.

He sneaks into Matthew's room while I sneak into Noah's. When we both wake them, ensuring they stay quiet, we meet in the hall and explain what's happening. They both nod.

"They don't know us; if we tell them we are camping out here and that we haven't heard anything about you all, maybe they'll leave," Matthew said. I shook my head.

"No, it's too risky; we will wait for them to leave; as Addison said, they don't want to alert Derek; if we wait and just be ready in case, maybe we will be lucky enough they'll leave," Noah said. Matthew nods and looks at Wesley.

"You have any weapons," he said. Wesley nods, going to his room. We wait a few moments before he returns with two hand pistols for Noah and Matthew and one for him.

"If they break in, Addison, just shoot, I know you can, and you have before," Wesley said. I nod.

I would stay with Derek. Noah and Matthew were stationed upstairs by the girl's room. And Wesley was in the kitchen. I kept waiting for the voices to disappear, but it was as if they wanted to see if someone would give them an opening. They knew the windows and doors were locked, but maybe they hoped someone had forgotten one.

"Boss, everything's locked, there's no entrance, there was a light earlier, but it's off now; someone's in here, but we don't know if it's them," the shorter one says. I can't hear anything, but I can listen to the short one relay the message.

"Boss says to try to pry the doors open, use anything you can, a rock, a large stick, anything," he said, "He wants us to get in."

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