Chapter 44: The one where you attempt Mission Impossible at school

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"He's where?!" You repeated in blatant disbelief, caught between the urge to facepalm or to run far, far away preferably. You settled on irritated breathing as you stare at the landmarker on the phone screen the two had set through the rented motorcycle which showed a very familiar place on the map.

"Yes, he's been there. We saw him" Warriors confirmed at which Zelda raised an eyebrow.

"Been there?" she inquired, trying not to sound frustrated.

"Well, we followed the woman from the hospital because she was highly suspicious and found her picking him up at this location" Warriors elaborated.

"Why did you think she's suspicious?" Twilight slid into the conversation a light frown on his lips.

"The way she boasted about her little 'adopted' sibling while we told her about Four" Warriors replied quickly, saving Wind from having to reply. "And there was a gut feeling."

"You stalked a nurse on a gut feeling?" You summarized, your eyebrows rising in a mix of disbelief, annoyance and amusement.

"Well, we were right!" Wind finally piped up, defensive.

"And where are they now?" Hyrule spoke up next, curious.

"...weeeeell" Wind grimaced. "...we lost them."

"You lost them?" Wild frowned.

"Wars couldn't drive the hell bike properly!" Wind defended.

"Oi!" The scarf wearing hero frowned.

"Okay...guess we just gotta go to the hospital and follow her again. She probably will meet up with him again sooner or later or go home" Wild shrugged, unconcerned with the crime of stalking.

"I have a lot of legal issues with that statement" Luck piped up with a frown, his broken arm in a thick cast.

"But we won't do anything about it, because you will stay here to rest and heal" Malin added sternly with a frown at which her fiance pouted.

"No need for more stalking" you utttered with a grimace, stopping short any argument that might end in a fight large enough to even snap Legend and Marina out of LalaLand.

Your family and friend's gazes turned to you questioningly.

"I know where that is" you elaborated with a grimace.

"Where?" Sky inquired gently, coaching the answer from you.

A sigh.

" old high school."


"I don't like this" Wind protested. Wild and Hyrule fidgeted next to him as you walked up and down the room, Impi and Zelda on each side of the white board. In bright red you had scribbled on it for dramatic effect: "Mission: Infiltrate High School."

Considering Legend had adamantly refused to be separated from Marina, it had left you with those three as your spies because a lot of teachers knew you graduated from this school already, leaving you to send them alone.

You looked at the assigned parent/guardian for this mission, Warriors for Wind and Time for Wild and Hyrule.

"You two will write in your sons/younger brother in the office for a week of testing out the school for this. Zelda created earlier fake school reports and home schooling proof."

Your best friend waved and grinned, flashing the documents proudly. You didn't look at her just yet, at least not really, the sting of her lie still too fresh. But you couldn't focus in that right now, could you? You had to fix this first.

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