Interlude 2: The one where they shop

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Inside a small alley was a single, smaller pharmacy. The special thing about this one simple little pharmacy was, that next to selling all the normal medicaments one would find inside a normal pharmacy, here they sold other things, too. Imported various strange devises and stuff from various aboriginal tribes, traditional cures and gimmicks from all around the world that promised fame and luck, healing and curses, ranging from strange wooden masks to simple plants and colorful mixtures.

The pharmacy belonged to two old sisters, who were quietly chatting with each other, each manning a counter of the shop, until the door opened, which stopped their talk.

"Hello, Mrs. and Mrs. Dragmire" greeted the blonde young man that entered the small shop. The two old women's faces lightened up when they saw him approach. "Hello, dearie!" they echoed together. The young man entered quickly and strode up to the sister on the normal counter, where he rattled down a list of all recipe free medicaments that one could possibly need.

The sister frowned in confusion, but didn't comment upon his choice, instead giving out what he'd asked for. He paid and packed his purchases inside his ridiculously large bag, which was already packed to the brim with what one might need if they were to spent a month inside a jungle, then another one in the Arctic and then one in the Sahara, just to be sure.

The sisters exchanged a questioning look, which quickly turned worried when the young man approached the second counter.

"I need everything healing, luck-bringing and helping-people-find-things that you've got" he announced and brought a credit card down on the desk. The women goggled at the card a moment before saying: "That's Zelda's, isn't it? What are you crazy kids doing this time?" "And why isn't Malin stopping you?" added the first sister. "And why is Zelda joining in this? She should have more common sense than that."

"Just give me what I ordered" the young man grinded out, posture stiff. The second sister went to get what he had ordered, took the card and then handed the young man his purchases: "I've also written you a list where it's written how each of them are to be used and how the work."

"Thank you" the young man said.

"Zelda does know what you're doing, right? Is your sibling in this too?" the first sister questioned. "Zelda knows I'm shopping for everything" the young man said. "She was the one to insist I buy up your stock of more...traditional stuff."

If they noticed his stocked explanation, the old women didn't comment on it. They both knew that the young man, being the law student he was, did not have a high opinion of the supernatural.

Trying to salvage the situation, the second sister asked: "Well, anyway, how's the little one? I haven't seen them for such a long time!"

The young man's face darkened, and the sisters knew that this was the wrong question to ask.

"They're lost. So I'm going to go through the portal to find them" he finally announced, packing his purchases with probably more force than necessary into his bag. The women frowned: "You want to go find them?" "But you couldn't even find the toilet in our shop!" "Even after we drew a map for you."

The man stopped, and even with his face turned away from them, the women could see a blush rising up to the tips of his ears. Embarrassed he turned towards them, shrugging and helplessly playing with his fingers while quietly admitting: "...well, I had forgotten to put my contacts in on that day, so to be fair, I couldn't see anything..."

"And then you want to go to the other side of the portal, to who knows where? Your eyes are going to be infected within days due to dirty contacts and you're going to be blind within a few weeks. You really think you can survive like that?" the first sister asked, doubt in her voice evident.

"Well, I did plan on taking my glasses" the young man said, getting himself back on track. The second sister frowned with worry while the first crossed her arms. "And you're going to lose them, or they break and what then? You'll be utterly screwed" she said, her voice matter of fact.

"Well then, what should I do?" the young man bit out. "This is not a fantasy story, this is cold reality. My little sibling is over there and had to suffer all the dangers for more than 36 hours. I am their older brother, I have to protect them. Who else is going to do so if not me?"

The sisters exchanged a look, before the second quietly said: "The government is working on getting them back. They have an army and scientists."

"And by the time they actually do something my sibling will be long since dead" the blonde exclaimed, throwing his hands up in despair. "I cannot accept that. You wouldn't either if it was your grandson out there, wouldn't you?"

The women paled, their eyes were blown wide and their mouths hung open speechless. The young man winced, knowing that this had been a low blow.

"How's your grandson, by the way?" the young man asked, trying to calm the tense atmosphere, while closing his bag. "Is he still traveling the world trying to figure out what to do next?"

The two old women exchanged quiet glances: "Actually...he was back, just two days before." "Had heard about your sibling's big exam and wanted to wish them luck..." "cause as much as they're rivals and fighting over the silliest little things, they're friends." "And right now he's missing, too..."

The blonde gasped at the implications, his earlier words hitting his consciousness like bullets: "Do you think, he's...?"

"We fear" the second twin whispered. The first added: "We really hope he only became a little sidetracked and was not inside that cursed bus." "But we also already told the police and so for now he's counted as one of the ten missing ones..."

The young man's face hardened at that: "I'll go into the portal in less than 36 hours if I do not get message from my sibling until then. Whatever will be on the other side, I'll be ready for it. And if your grandson is on the other side, I will find him, too, and get him home to you."

At this the old women teared up: "You're too kind..." "...and courageous for your own good, dearie."

"Anyone would do so if they were in my shoes" the blonde answered, before hefting his bag on his back. The woman smiled wetly and waved as he left their shop. "Wish me luck, Mrs. and Mrs. Dragmire!"

"Good luck, little L" they wished him, their voices lost with the closing of their shop's door.

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