Chapter 37: The one where they meet a familiar stranger

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Malin’s favorite coffee shop was a bit of drive away, but it sold the best hot chocolate ever, so it was well worth it. It was situated across the street from another, smaller carnival and not too far from the still open portal and was therefore relatively busy.

Having managed to snag a table for the three of them, Malin and Luck quickly instructed Sky to wait and went to get some drinks. And that’s where they met the first roadblock.

“Sorry, but our coffee machine is broken” the barista stated calmly. “The hot chocolate ones luckily still work, though.”

While Luck seemed horrified at the news, Malin took these news in stride: “Alright, three hot chocolates then, please.”

They paid and the barista gave them their order and together they carried the three hot beverages to their table. That’s when Malin realized hers was missing its straw.

“Wait here please, I’m getting myself a straw” she said, quickly speeding off before Luck could offer to do it for her, ever the romantic sap and gentleman. But Malin would be damned if she would risk allowing Luck to get lost in this crowded shop just for a straw.

And that’s when she crashed into another person, accidentally spilling the hot chocolate the other was holding over them.

“Gosh, I’m sorry!” she brought out, only to gasp in surprise at seeing a face nearly identical to her own, framed by wavy red hair, a light pink flower pinned into the fiery locks.

“It’s okay, don’t worry!” the other young woman gave out gently, even smiling, quickly pulling out a few tissues to pat at the brown spot on her light blue top.

Malin blinked and then she stuttered out: “Marina? Marina Gullsea, could it be?”

“Huh?” asked the other girl, before adding more coherently: “How did you know?”

“We were in the same primary school, remember? It’s me, Malin” Malin grinned out, just barely resisting the urge to hug her, lest her T-Shirt also received a chocolate stain. “When did you move here? I thought your father wanted to live his life out as a fisher at the sea.”

Marina blinked in surprise, face scrunched up in thought before a small smile slipped on her face: “Oh, this is a surprise, I do remember you. They always thought we were twins and we played pranks on them by changing our places or even clothes. You were my best friend until the move…”

“We wrote letters for years and called…until one day you never picked up again or wrote back. What happened? Why?” asked Malin, excitement breaking in favor of sadness.

Marina looked saddened, eyes turning to her hands: “Dad surprised me with a boat trip with some others…the boat sunk. Miraculously we all got saved but were comatose for years, until we all suddenly woke up for no reason. It’s still a medical mystery for why and since no one died they decided to keep the whole matter quiet.”

“Oh…I’m sorry to hear that” Malin breathed out, ashamed for ever thinking her childhood friend had stopped writing on purpose.

“It’s okay, I’m getting my life back under control slowly, after all” Marina gently assured. “I’m even thinking about auditioning for a talent show and sing there. That way maybe I can become famous and travel everywhere to sing for everyone.”

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