Chapter 20: The one where you solve your first puzzle

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There was a locked door. That was not a problem per se, it just needlessly complicated things.

“I told you, when that crossroad came, we should have gone left” Legend snarked from your back. You quietly cursed under your breath before answering: “That’s not how things normally work. And we had a fifty-fifty chance.”

“In which you didn’t listen to me” he added. “So what, you were not doing the walking” you bit back.

“I would have if you would have let me” he retorted. “In your current condition?” you snorted in dark humor. “Were you to use your legs, that’d be their end. Well be my guest, become fitting to your name Mr. Leg-End”

“Was that a pun on my name? If so, it’s bad” Legend commented dryly, his face probably twisting into a grimace and you snorted again. Guess that’s five to four for you. Not that either of you ever had vocally admitted defeat in your little bickerings.

“So what to do now?” you voiced. “How should I know?” he commented. “You’re the one with too many dungeons to count under his belt, you tell me. I’m just the dimensionally displaced kid” you admitted calmly, too calm for a dimensionally displaced kid that was currently stuck somewhere deep underground that could be full of death traps for all that you knew, but neither of you voiced it.

“How about listening to what I say for starters?” Legend muttered and you wished you could turn to him to give him your best death glare. It was nothing against his, but still better than nothing. So instead you gave an overdramatic groan while whipping slightly back and forth, thus jostling him slightly, which in turn caused him to hiss under his breath. Ha, served him right.

“No fair” he grumbled and then quietened for a moment, before finally commenting: “Well, the door is locked so there’s gotta be a key. Find another room, find the key, open door, easy.”

“Well then” you sass. “Where is another room then, Mr. Veteran? I don’t see any doors, do you? Or are they hidden?”

“My guess is hidden. Try standing on that obnoxiously huge and not overlookable – which you apparently have overlooked - rock over there, I think it might be a …” “Switch?” “…switch to unhide the next room.”

You did as suggested, and truly an opening in the wall appeared.

Touché, Bunny. Five to Five.

But when you went to get off and towards the singly door, the switch deactivated, and the wall slid closed again. Well, sh*t.

You paused, unsure of what to do next. On one hand it was clear what you had to do now, on the other hand it meant leaving your guaranteed survival behind. Legend seemed to notice your hesitation: “Hey, dimensionally displaced kid to Hyrule! Do you compete?”

“Stop using my phrases” you snided, snapping out of your head. He probably give you a sharp grin, full of teeth: “Why should I, they’re the only good thing you’ve given me so far.”

“What about all the headaches I gave you, while you tried to solve the mystery that I am in vain?” you asked overdramatically. “Where they for naught?”

“Stop messing around” he only commented, probably still bitter over the fact that you wouldn’t give a straight answer. “You’re behaving too much like someone else I know right now.” You chuckled at that and then slid him off your back onto the switch, thus reactivating it.

“You mean Ravio?” you voiced and took great delight in seeing Legend’s gaping face, before he quickly got himself back under control: “I’m not gonna ask, cuz let me guess: it’s a secret?”

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