15: Regret

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                It'd been stupid and reckless, but there was nothing that she could do about it now. He wasn't someone that she could claim for herself and keep. The best thing she could do for both of them was pretend like the last few nights together had just been a lovely dream they shared. A moment in time where neither of them were who they really were and neither of them had lives they had to return to outside of the wilds.

All she could bring herself to tell him was, "No." She couldn't explain why it had to be this way. Her identity was already compromised to much as it was. She had to get herself free of him as soon as was humanly possible. Even if no one ever believed him, he'd seen too much and an explanation would not change that.

She was relieved when she returned to the cave and found him dressed. It would've been too tempting to stay in the cozy little cave if she had to look at the remarkable contours of his bare skin. No, she told herself. She was already late in returning to her own home, and he had his own as well. This fleeting fantasy was over, it had to be over.

Xenik's attitude was somber as she pushed him to keep her brisk pace through the trees. He hadn't tried to say anything else since they left the cave. Not even when the trees started to thin out and they stopped to refill their skins and pull out a meal to eat as they walked. She found herself both relieved and feeling guilty for his silence.

When the sun started to its decent into darkness, worry plagued her thoughts. What would he expect of their sleeping arrangements now? They'd already crossed a line that they shouldn't have, but if she continued to tempt fate there could be worse consequences. After making sure that he had a fire to keep warm, and eating her share of their dinner, she climbed up into a tree out of his reach.

It was better to sleep up there, cold, alone and uncomfortable, than to allow any temptation. The fur cloak was warmer than the one she'd given him, and its bulk could be a problem. But sitting astride the thick branch was safer. Leaning back against the trees trunk, she could feel him staring up at her as he lay on the ground. This was safer.

Having to maintain her balance in the tree, she slept light. As soon as the sun started to rise into the sky, she woke up. A fresh determination to get him back where he belonged kept her from feeling tired or sore. With any luck, they'd break thru the tree line before nightfall.

Even with few trees and roots, he could not seem to maintain as quick a pace as she would have preferred. His sullen mood and silence made it difficult to be annoyed with him for it. It stuck her up in a tree for a second night. Sleep eluding her through the cold night as her thoughts wondered to the warmth his embrace and body could've offered.

They'd be free of one another after one last day of trudging through the Cithaeron Wilds. She'd make arrangements to see him back to his kingdom and return to her normal life. Her mother was already sure to be livid by the delay in her return home as it was. Just one more day...

He kept up as she pushed their pace to almost a jog for the first few hours of the morning. The trees were thinning out much more now, and she could see a hint of open space ahead of them when they stopped for the midday rest and meal. Just a few more hours and she'd be free.

He seemed hesitant as they stepped out onto the open plains. The stream they were following cut through a harvested farm and in the distance she could make out the village she'd been trying to get him to for over a week. The relief she felt was tainted by the regret of not taking advantage of the last two nights to enjoy him one last time.

Steeling her resolve, she pushed through the cut field towards the little village. She didn't stop and acknowledge the people they passed who stared at her with wide eyes. Her hair and leathers gave away who she was and none of them moved against her or tried to approach her directly.

She marched right up to the largest building in the center of the rest, this would be where the village elder and their family reside, and tapped on the door. A stout woman opened the door and nearly tripped over herself to kneel as soon as she realized who stood before her.

She turned and spared Xenik a glace, "Stay here," she commanded in his own tongue before switching to her own native language for the woman, "I apologize for intruding so unexpectedly, but might I implore your assistance with a pressing matter I need to resolve as soon as possible?"

Without hesitation she stepped aside and held the door open, "Of course Basilinna." She bowed her head as Mae made her way into the house, leaving Xenik outside.

The woman closed the door and hurried inside to lead her to a cozy room with many places to sit. This was indeed the village elder and this room probably served as a meeting place. "The man traveling with me," she hesitated, unsure of how to explain his presence here, "is it possible to secure lodging for him for the night and possibly hire him a guide to get him to Themiskyra? I'll make sure that you're all paid handsomely for the inconvenience."

"We'd be honored to assist you in any way that we can," she tipped her head in a slight bow again.

"If you wouldn't mind bringing me some parchment, ink, quill and some sealing wax," she pulled the ornate dagger from her boot, "I'll write out two scrolls for compensation."

The woman nodded, leading her to a desk with an inkwell and stack of parchment already sitting atop it. She pulled open a drawer that held a small candle, and sticks of colored wax. "Would you like me to get him settled while you work, Basilinna?"

She gave the woman a nod, "That might be best. I believe he's a prince of Novgorod, Xenik is his name." Her eyes bulged at the information. "He believes me to be a maenad," she smiled, trying not to laugh, "he does not and cannot know my true nature. I'm sure you understand why."

The poor woman looked dumbstruck as she nodded, "No one will reveal your truths here, Basilinna. I will see him up to our spare room, I'm just sorry that it isn't as grand as you deserve." She scampered away as soon as she was waved off. 

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