Chapter twenty-three: Life as a seal

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Seacliff Lodge

May 1909

"Who is she?"

My summer wanderer picked up one of the framed photographs from the mantelpiece. He came to sit beside me as I lowered the tea tray on the table. No tea for him, of course, he abhors it. Smoked salmon, on the other hand, is his most favourite treat.

I smiled. That picture never fails to bring me joy, even on the darkest days. "She is my niece," I said. "Saoirse. Has Eachann never told you about her? She used to visit me as a little girl. Lives in London now. All grown up."

He frowned in an attempt to summon the memory. "I do not remember... but she is very beautiful."

I chuckled. "Is she not? I bought her that dress, from Paris. She was so happy! And looked positively enchanting, let me tell you. This colourless likeness does her no justice."

A broad grin bloomed on his face. I shook my head at him.

"Do not even think about it! She is engaged to be married."

"What does that mean?"

He masked his mischief with a look of pure innocence.

"Oh, I suppose it wouldn't mean anything to you," I said, "seeing as how you'll mate with any seal in sight."

"No, not any... Only those in heat during the mating season."

Stone-faced seriousness accompanied his reply, but his mask chipped at the corners, revealing a glint of amusement in his eye. It made me laugh. Life as a seal was so simple... Swim, play, mate. I could understand why most of his fellow selkies avoided being human. It was easier – and safer. Which is why I appreciated his company all the more. And Eachann's love...

The black pearl now hung around my neck, attached to a silver pendant, and the mere thought of him drew my fingers to it. Somhairle studied the picture of Saoirse in her Parisian gown.

She has not worn it since, but she tells me she intends to wear it at her wedding. An inspired choice, really. No reason to spend their hard-earned money on a new dress, when she has a perfectly good, hardly-used one at hand.

"Tell me," I turned to my visitor, "if I may ask, as you've made me rather curious – how many pups have you fathered?"

"Oh, I..." His eyes lingered out of focus on the photograph. "One every year for the past... however many years. And four human daughters."

Human? I voiced my surprise.

"Yes, I... Well, they were born human. Well – "

Born human? I was now utterly intrigued. Eachann and I had not had any children and whenever he talked to me of his, they were always born as seal pups and would spend years in their skins before breaking out – if at all. Somhairle had been the most eager of his sons. He had found his way out of his sealskin only six summers old.

My visitor sighed. "Most selkies these days rarely shift. 'Tis safer. And they never shift during the mating season. Because if a selkie is with child in human form, she will have to remain human until she gives birth. It can be very dangerous. But I found this... this woman. Like Father found you, only she is selkie, too. When we... when our human bodies – "

His cheeks reddened and his mouth snapped shut. I chuckled.

"I know what you mean, lad. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

He gulped and went to put the picture back.

"You had your daughters with this woman?" I guessed.

"Yes, we... we found an island, empty. We often went there, to be alone. When seals mate, you see, the males just leave the females be once the deed has been done. And the females have no need for help afterwards. And it is not as..."

He came to sit down again.

"I... I have lost count and track of the pups that are mine. But my four daughters are always right here." He put his hand on his heart. "I always feel them, no matter where they are. I could feel them in their mother's womb before she knew they were there."

I reached for his hand and he squeezed it tight.

"You said your daughters were born human... but I know they are selkie, you have told me. How did they come by their sealskins?"

"Oh, they... they came out as pups. It was a shock the first time, really. Pulling a seal pup out of a woman. But the string, the..."

"The navel-string?"

"Yes, indeed. The string, it created a small hole into the sealskin. We peeled it open and inside, the string was joined with the child's navel. I watched my daughters drink from their mother's breast. Her human breast, that..."

Speechless awe manifested itself on his countenance.

"I know, my boy. A woman's body is incredible."

More colour rose to his pale cheeks. "It is." His eyes darted again to the mantelpiece.

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