Chapter forty-eight: A stunning revelation

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Her summer holiday a distant dream already, Saoirse enjoyed a rare moment of respite on the divan in the study, with a steaming mug of tea in her hands and her feet on Sorley's lap.

His meticulous fingers massaged her wearied soles, relieving the ache and the tension. They had the house to themselves until James returned with Aidan from the school. Anna had also gone to pick up her daughter and see to her dinner at home.

"Can you hear that?" Saoirse murmured into her mug.

Sorley looked up from his task. "What?"

"Exactly!" she whisper-shouted, giddy with excitement, and sighed. "The silence!"

Closing her eyes, she threw her head back and let her short hair hang over the arm of the divan. Saying goodbye to her long locks had been a difficult decision, but it had gained her an inordinate amount of time. No more spending forever to wash, dry or comb it. No more agonising over making it behave. A brush and some pins did the trick nicely.

Sorley's hands stopped kneading her feet.

Her eyes flew open. "What is it?"

A smile floated on his features, his fingers frozen, his eyes glistening. She lowered her legs off him and scooted closer, mug discarded on the floor.

"What's the matter, mo chroí?"

He only grinned at her and brought his palm to her abdomen. She put her hands over his, frowning, recognition slowly dawning. She gasped when she understood the cryptic joy on his face.

"No," she breathed, "no..."

"Yes, my Saoirse. Yes!"

He kissed her, his hand never leaving her stomach.

"But I'm... I'm an old woman, Sorley." Nervousness began to tickle her muscles. She jumped to her feet, restless with unease. "I'm too old to have a baby."

His confusion gave her pause.

"I'll be forty next year," she clarified. "And I... you know I've had a history of difficult pregnancies as a girl, but as a forty-year-old woman? I – "

Her fingers shivered. She turned away from him, wringing her hands to tame the tremors.

"My Saoirse... I promised, didn't I?" He grabbed her shoulders from behind, then wrapped his arms around her. "I promised Aoife I would name our daughter after her."

A weak chuckle as she leaned back against him. "What if it's not a girl?" Her hands overlapped on her abdomen, protective already of the life budding in her womb.

"It has to be. It will be."

"Why couldn't you fulfil your promise sooner, hmm? Why not two, three, four, five years ago?"

He kissed her hair, tightening his grip. "Do you think I have a choice in the matter? What happens, happens. When we're both ready. When we both need it."

She reached up to hold onto his forearms crossed over her chest. Gulped. The unease flickered and festered.

"I'm scared," she admitted. "Sorley, I'm so scared. I'm terrified that my body won't be able to handle this."

"I will be here," he reassured her. "This time, I will be here for you. With you."

"Still, I – "

The front door thundered open, startling her. Angry steps hurried up the stairs and another door was slammed. The door to Aidan's room. Looks of concern passed between the boy's parents. Out in the hall, they ran into a forlorn James.

"What happened?" Saoirse asked in a low, cautious voice.

The doctor fidgeted, his expression glum. "Aidan got into a fight," he said in the end.

Saoirse's eyebrows couldn't jump any higher. Her sweet boy, in a fight?

That same thought seemed to cross James's mind because his forehead wrinkled in rueful reluctance. "With Jemmy McLellan."

Her eyes bulged with shock. "With... Jemmy? But why? Those two are thick as thieves! Something must have happened."

"Yes, something did happen," James grumbled. "Apparently... Aidan kissed Jemmy. On the lips. It must have... taken Jemmy aback, because he retaliated with a punch. Which took Aidan aback and, well... the teachers had to step in once the schoolyard ruckus got out of hand."

"Goodness gracious me." Saoirse covered her mouth, still processing the stunning revelation. "And... and what did you do? What did you tell him?"

James heaved a breath. "I told him we don't just kiss people out of nowhere." It felt like he wanted to add to that, but held his tongue.

"What is it, James?" his wife coaxed him. "Let it out."

"I... I fear it's my fault. He must have seen me and Natsume – "

"Nonsense," she interrupted. "The boy is just very affectionate. He's got both his dads to blame for that." Saoirse patted her husband's shoulder. "I'll talk to him. Dinner is ready downstairs, if you want to get the plates out."

Solace sprouted on the doctor's fatigued features. "Sure. I'll set the table."

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