Chapter 28

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As the bride of the day, things didn’t work out the way I had always wanted.

'The gold and white color looked so dull. Thinking about everything just annoyed me the more, subhanallah!' The thought came while I sat next to Abdullah Olayiwola, the love of my life, but I guess he understood everything going on in the unsettled mind of mine.

After lots of dancing and meeting with groups of the uninvited super-duper high class dupes and fun girls that desperately want to become my best friend on the first day of our meeting, it was dreadful... I swear! I just felt terribly amazing (All thanks to Abdul for making me this famous! Hope Al-Jazeera and BBC news will show us on TV).

I tell you, smiling at my wedding was a lot of hard work that caused me headaches. And I am sure the pictures would be annoyingly ugly! I looked as confused as my menstrual cycle. Whatever, like I ever care!

Well, I still heard some people asking if Abdullah was the real father of my babies. “He must have married her out of pity.” A bunch of girls gossiped.

To welcome and thank a lot of family and friends, posing for pictures that I worked hard for but the hard work didn’t even show... I couldn’t even smile for a minute and soon enough, got in a mighty CRV jeep. Astagfirullah! As if it was a presidential meeting, thousand of different cars took off with ours. It made me wonder where on planet earth they came from. As if it wasn’t enough, we traveled thousands of kilometers away, where the reception took place. We made our way into the gigantic reception hall together.




“My daughter!” I heard from the corner and turned. I thought it was my mum, but it wasn’t.

Guess who I saw, Hajia Maryam Akerele! She was standing beside Alhaji, her husband. I stared at her for a while, as her pregnancy was already visible.

“Assalam ‘Alaikum ma. Nice to see you again. I mean, it’s been ages.” a small smile brightened up my face while cuddling her gegently. “So sorry, I couldn’t visit. You know, my mum’s health, the babies and preparation for this... was so fast that I-”

“I’m sorry for the other day...” she muttered, almost in tears. Just now, I know... I never treated you well."

She and her husband wore the beautiful gold and silver anko dress. I am sure dad picked it for them. Silence reigned between us for a moment as Hajia Maryam’s teary eyes raked through my beautiful look.

“Forgive me for the words I said to you... I guess I’ve learnt my lessons now. I had ben so selfish abd self-centered. That's right... I mean... I shouldn’t have sent you out. Well, all thanks to you for everything. I feel I owe you my life,” she said, x-raying my beautiful gown. She turned to Alhaji from behind.

“Hope you forgive us, Aisha. We never believed we could become parents... Thanks for making us parents.”

“No sir, it’s all God’s work, not mine. I did nothing and trust me, I was never angry at you. Thanks for attending my wedding ceremony. I would have informed you earlier.”

“Noooo.. Don’t worry, Abdullahi is more like a son to us.” he replied quizzically.

In a blink of an eye, Abdul signalled me to come.

“It’s nice meeting you again. I wish you safe delivery. You both look gorgeous in this gown, mum and dad. I almost couldn’t recognize you earlier.” I smiled at her before we all separated ways.

“Darling, thank goodness Aisha find happiness. I’m so happy for her... It makes me feel better. I dont know wgat would have happened if... ” She held back her words.

“Me too, Wifey. I pray her happiness last forever. Just look how beautiful she looks in that smile. Destiny can be delayed but can never be denied, truly.” He pat his wife on tge shoulder. They walked through the crowd of guests. “Have you thought of any names yet?"

“Names? But why now?”

“Maybe because... it just came to mind?”

“Hmmm...” She blushed silently at his childish reply. “I think I love the name Aisha.”

“What about Abdullah?”

“Subhanallah.... What are you saying?” Hajia Maryam laughed at her funny husband.

I and Abdullahi laughed at their bound as we continued welcoming other guests, discussing.

After a while, someone climbed the stage, clinging a spoon to the glass cup in her hand just to get everyone’s attention.

“Hello everyone! Hi everyone! Attention please... I’ll like to propose a toast!”

The busy guests turned forward, at the direction. It was Dunni.

“I’d like to propose a toast to my one and only best friend and my new sister, Aisha. You’re welcome to the Olayiwola’s family or should I say the Akorede’s? Whatever! Hope you’re ready to loosen up a bit because you won’t be that serious and shy, little teenager anymore.” She giggled and wipedvout the hears that hung at the corners of he eyes. Her silent sniffing made me realise that she was crying.
“So you’re actually going to leave me behind.”

I cupped my face in my hands and smiled timidly. Abdullah and I watched the joyous expression on people’s faces as everyone cheered happily.

I couldn't believe Dunni climbed the stage to ask me this.

'I won't leave your side, Dunni.' I said to myself and walked up to the stage.

"I promise to visit you at least, once every year." I said to her dunno pulled me into a warm hug.

I held her tight before realising how hard I cried. The seated guests cheered to our friendship. I caught my mum and Mummy Dunni taking pictures of us.

After a while, we pulled out of the hug in soft chuckles. I walked back to Abdullah and he lped me wipe out the hanging tears.

Later on, our families and friends waved us goodbye as we left for the airport. Although surprised me that Abdullah didn’t tell me where we were going to have our ever-green, memorable, and romantic honeymoon. It was a surprise, whatever.

About how it all happened from the reception. Well, I’ll say that alone is a book if written. We took a private jet to Dubai. It was really amazing because it was the second time leaving home. It was the first time in a private jet with the love of my life.

We got to a first-class hotel. Abdullah went swimming for a while. I later joined him and that was when it all started. It was a perfect mathematics when the both of us become one and just then; I realized how much he loved me.

Well, it was a lot of long, mind-blowing, boring story I think you won’t be interested in.

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