Chapter 1. "Happy Anniversary"

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"We broke up," Emily Hale said, sitting across her best friend in the middle of the school cafeteria. "Congratulations," said Gwyneth Chase, not even bothering to look up from her lunch. Emily's mouth fell open, "Can you not, Gwyn, could you be a bit supportive, please? I am in the middle of a bloody crisis," she said. "The crisis you brought upon yourself the moment you started dating that idiot," Gwyneth finally looked up with a bored look in her emerald eyes, "let me tell you, something, love, you and William were not it..." she trailed off, looking at Emily's face.

Emily closed her eyes shut, "I am looking that horrible, aren't I?". "Do you want me to lie?" Gwyneth said after a pause. Emily let out a frustrated groan and pulled out her phone. Her hair looked like a dark mess, and the mascara at the corner of her blue eyes was horribly smudged. "I look like a raccoon," she exclaimed. "A cute one," Gwyn tried. She looked horrible. "Great," Emily whispered, pulling her hair out of her signature high ponytail following a string of curses. "Do you want to talk about it?" Gwyneth asked, Emily looked up.
"Hey," Emily said, pressing a kiss on her boyfriend, Williams's lips. She smiled into the kiss as William's hands went over her waist. The touch was lighter. Strange. She pulled back her hands still on his shoulder. "Hi," he said, taking a step back. She removed a golden curl from his grey eyes, he was beautiful, her boyfriend always was but something seemed different.

"Hi," she said, taking his hand. She interlaced her fingers with his. "Happy fourth anniversary," she beamed and   pulled out a blue box with a white bow. She saw his expression change her stomach, and her smile both dropped. Something seemed wrong. Very wrong.

"Emmy," he let out a laugh. He was nervous. Emily's heart picked up pace as she remembered the infinity promise ring she saw in his car the other day. Was he going to propose? The lost smile made its way back to her face. This was it. Their forever was starting. "Yes?" she asked. "Love," he started. This was it. Everything was perfect. They would be perfect. They would have their own apartment, maybe two or three dogs, jobs near each other. Everything would be perfect. Emily would make it. She would plan it all out. She would say yes in a heartbeat.

"Will" came a voice as someone took his face and kissed him right in front of her. All Emily saw was a blur of brown hair and a plaid skirt. Emily blinked it all happened in a matter of seconds. Someone kissed her boyfriend, and she stood there gaping.

William cleared his throat as Isabel Montgomery stood there in with her arms around his bicep. Emily could just stare at them. She just kissed her boyfriend. What the fuck.

People passing through the hallways stopped to witness the drama unfold. It couldn't have gotten any worse, or so she thought. "Em, Emily. ..I don't think that. " he scratched the back of his neck, "I don't think that we should be together anymore. "

Emily felt anger bubbling in her as she saw the infinity ring, her imfinity on Isabel's perfectly manicured finger. "You think?" she asked, taking a sharp breath in. "You think, William?" she scoffed.

"See Em, I, you mean a lot to me," she stopped hearing, she tried to breath. He dared to say she meant a lot when he had his arms around another girl. Without thinking or caring that nearly thirty people were watching them, Emily cursed at him, loudly in front of everyone. "Miss Hale, detention today after school," their principal said, choosing that moment to walk in. There went her reputation.

"Wasn't one of my best moments," Emily said, remembering the whole incident. Gwyneth pushed a chocolate bar towards her. "You don't eat chocolate," Emily said, tearing it. "I carry it for you, idiot," Gwyneth said, sipping her green smoothie. "I woflove youw," Emily said between the bites. "Firstly ew, eat first and," Gwyneth took her hand in her. "Honestly, Emmy, you and William were not right."

Emily sent a glare her way. "Forget him," "We were together for four years, four whole years. Do you know how many days those are?"

"1461," Gwyneth said without missing a beat. Emily closed her eyes, "that much?" she asked, her eyebrows raised. "Yeah," Gwyneth shrugged. "No chance less?" she asked in vain, Gwyneth was a genius in math. The probability of her being wrong was well.....close to 0. Emily crunched the wrapper, "1461 days," she echoed. "That's a lot of days."

"Forget him," Gwyneth tried again. Emily dropped her head on the table, "Or not." "You are not helping, Gwyn." she looked up. Gwyneth removed the hair from her face, "what should I say, Em? You are a mess. Eat," Gwyneth pushed her salad bowl towards her.

Before Emily could say something, they heard a burst of laughter. Both of them turned to see Isabel and William sitting right across them in the cafeteria instead of seven empty tables right across them. "What a douche," Gwyn said. Emily's grip around her plastic fork tightened. "That won't hurt him, you know." Gwyn pointed at her tightening grip. The fork broke in half, "Poor fork," Gwyn said, taking a bite of her salad. "Are you enjoying it?" Emily asked.

Emily noticed a purple bruise forming on his jaw, bless that kind soul who did that. Gwyneth opened her mouth, but Emily beat her to it, "You know I deserve better."Absolutely, you do," Gwyn agreed. "I deserve someone better," Emily said. "Absolutely, what is yours will find you," Gwyneth nodded.

"You need time to heal, wait, where are you going? Emily pulled her hair up. "I am done with him," she said. "Great, but don't be stupid," Gwyneth said. "Have I ever been?" Emily asked, placing her hands on the table. "A lot of times, actually. I can name a few moments."

Emily rolled her eyes, "I won't this time. See you in class, Gwyn." She turned around, smoothing her black uniform. Her new skirt already had creases. She started picking up the pace when she hit something and felt a cold liquid all over her. Someone spilled their milkshake all over her. "I am sorry," came a boy's voice. "It's fine," she said, walking away, not bothering to look up at the idiot. Her life was truly going great.

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