Chapter 3. "Tomorrow"

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"Emmy wait," Gwyneth called out after her best friend, who was walking past all the students towards God, knew where. "He has got some nerve, he had the fucking  nerve to smile at me," she turned before stalking off again. Gwyn helplessly followed her.  "He should be grateful I didn't throw anything at him and his stupid idiotic face. Agh, how much I hate that boy right now" she finally stopped in front of a brown door. "You know Gwyn, Martha Johnson asked me how I felt about being replaced!" She pushed the door loudly only to find it locked.

"Martha Johnson is an idiot" Gwyneth cut her off. "It's not just Martha, it's everyone. We were supposed to be together I knew that, he knew that, everyone knew that. This stupid door is locked" she said pulling it again. "It certainly won't open if you keep doing that."

"Emily, he isn't worth it" Gwen tried. "That doesn't help the fact that I am in love with him. I fell for him when I was 12, Gwyneth" she looked at her watch, the students were leaving and she was stuck in detention. She pushed the door once more, "stop doing that, and you fell, that's bad you shouldn't fall. A fall is never good. You should fly." Emily kicked the door. "Oh, God," Gwyn exclaimed.

Emily stopped her midway, "Gwyn, I would really appreciate it if you didn't throw all your romance book quotes right now."

"I am just saying, think on the bright side" "do you see a bright side to this pathetic mess and where the hell is the teacher?" Emily said looking around. "We are early, and you are the Head Girl," Gwyneth said looking at her watch. "Great" Emily slumped against the door.

Emily reached for Gwyn's hand. "'s" she trailed off. Gwyneth tightened the grip, "I know and I am here for you" Emily smiled gratefully at her when a familiar name flashed through her phone. Emily immediately pulled out her hand, "Emmy no," she tried to snatch the phone, but Emily was faster.

"Go to hell William" Emily started. "Here we go," Gwyneth whispered under her breath. "You had to go and kiss her. Isabel, out of everyone you could have" she started pacing. "We are over, you made sure of that when you kissed her. Now stop calling me and move on with your life. We are definitely over, goodbye you filthy loathsome evil little cockroach" she cut the call before he could get a word out.

Behind her, she heard someone clear his throat. She closed her eyes shut, maybe she was hallucinating or maybe she was not. This seriously couldn't be where she landed up. Cursing her life she turned around with a smile. The first thing she saw was a familiar stain of the drink which was spilled on her. It was that boy, she looked up to see one of her brother's best friends, Sam.

" are you?" asked another of his friends, James who was openly in love with Gwyneth. Emily caught Gwyn rolling her eyes. "I am fine, thanks for asking,". "Thanks for asking" she repeated like an idiot, her mind stopped working. "There you all are" came her brother's annoying voice, she suppressed her groan leaning back against the door. What were they all doing  there?

"Woah, you look horrible," her twin said stopping in front of her. "Thanks a lot, Ed," she removed a strand. "What did you do?" he asked. Emily glanced at three of his friends who probably heard every word of her outburst. She closed her eyes for a brief moment to shake away the embarrassment. "I have a detention and we broke up," she said.

"Mum is going to be pissed and congratulations, you finally came to your senses and dumped him. I have never been prouder" Edward said. "He dumped me. Cheated in fact" Emily said. "Too soon" Emily heard Gwyneth whisper and sent her a glare. She looked at the same blue eyes as her, waiting for him to lecture her and it started sooner than she expected. Her loved ones surely lacked empathy.

"Told you, you shouldn't date him, but no, you were too much in love to even think straight. I knew this was coming, Emmy". She threw the apple Gwyn had at him. It hit him right in the head. He yelped as the warmth of satisfaction filled her. "What is with people throwing things at me. Do you want to paint his house pink?" he asked. "No, absolutely not," Emily shook her head. "What now?" asked Rowan, the only sane one out of his friends.

"Now I need a boyfriend" Emily stated. "Found anyone yet?" asked the boy who spilled the drink on her. She narrowed her eyes, "If I did I wouldn't have been like this" she said. "Besides," she started with false confidence, "I will, I have options."

"No, you don't," her dearest brother decided to interject. "I do," she looked at Gwyn for support. She didn't have any options. "She does," Gwyn lied without hesitation.

Emily knew her brother would see right through her, and he did. Edward scoffed, "Really? like who?" he asked, crossing his arms. "What about your friends, Gwyn?" Emily asked. "Ray doesn't want to date anyone, Peter is dating Quin, and David is an idiot, but we always have Harry" Gwyn said. Emily looked at Edward's smug expression. She wanted to wipe that look off his face. "Tomorrow, you will see Edward. Tomorrow at the football match, I will show up with someone better than him by miles. Someone popular, hot and smart, " she said.

"Sure, Emmy," he said "whatever you say". "You will see tomorrow," Emily said, regretting each one of her words. "I can date you," Gwyn said. "What?" Edward and Emily both said in unison. "It's just about an appearance, and it would barely be a month. Besides, I can be a better boyfriend than him."

"I would love to date you, love, but for now," she was cut off by a voice. "There you are, you are early," Katherine came in her pink cardigan. "Those who don't have detention have no business staying. Off you go" she flicked her hand.

"Bye," Gwyn kissed her cheek, as the boys also started to leave, leaving only Sam and her standing. "No, James, I won't go out with you," she heard Gwyn say at a distance as Katherine pulled out her keys. It was going to be a long day.

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