Chapter 41: Game of Bonds

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Ren's POV

When we finally reached the Shadow Paladin clan, the place looked exactly what I imagined. Darkness. But the atmosphere felt more welcoming than I thought... compared to the Dark Zone that is.

》》Time skip《《

"... and this is your room" Blaster Dark said as we reached the last room. He had been showing me around since we got here but I wasn't listening to half of what he said.

"Thank you, Blaster Dark!" I said happily. My avatar simply smirked before suggesting I rest for tomorrow's training.


Blaster Dark's POV

"I don't think we should do this." I said to the warrior whom I asked to come. I know the unit was busy with the search but I needed help.

"Oh, why so?" Blaster Blade replied.

"It's just... we haven't even started yet my Vanguard doesn't look like he's serious about this. It's a wonder that I could still cope up with his laid back attitude."

"Then don't think of this as training. Rather, a game of bonds. Try to picture yourself being as carefree as Ren Sazugamori."

I sighed. "You know I couldn't do that. Not especially with the situation we're in."

"All the more reason for you to push yourself. It may be the only way for both of you to strengthen yourselves and your bond." He smirked.

I thought of other possibilities to prove him wrong but none seemed fit for my Vanguard's training.  I can't believe I'm saying this but he's right.

"I give! But if something goes wrong with that plan, you're held responsible!" I gave him a glare but Blaster Blade doesn't seem affected. He never does.

"Alright... but you have to make sure you do whatever it takes to be as carefree as your Vanguard."

"Whatever" I scoffed.

The conversation lasted awhile until Blaster Blade decided it was time he goes and left for the Gold Paladin clan. It's not like I'm his top priority in the first place. The warrior of light did have the Genesis Vanguard to worry about, as well as his own. Better leave him be for now.


The next day...

Ren's POV

After breakfast, Black Sage, Charon came to me with a message from my avatar.

"Blaster Dark has hidden himself somewhere inside the Shadow Paladin clan. He said that your first task is to look for him. Only then will he train with you." Charon informed.

"You mean like hide and seek?" I asked.

"Something like that." The unit said before leaving me.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same Blaster Dark?" I said to no one in particular.

"Ooookay... guess I should have fun before whatever would be in stored for me after~"


It's already been half a day but Blaster Dark is still nowhere in sight. I've already asked most units but none seemed to know where the dark knight could have gone. This is going to be harder than I thought... I told myself.

I have been searching for a whole day now. "Where could that unit have gone?" I asked myself as I came into a dark and spooky forest. After awhile, I grew tired so I went and sat under a nearby tree. There, I felt a familiar presence surround me.

"You did it."

I jumped the moment the voice was heard, looking up to see the owner of the voice. For there on top of the tree was...

"Blaster Dark!! You scared me." I exclaimed.

"Took you long enough" he replied before bitting the apple he was holding.

"How long have you been up there?"

"Hmmmm... the whole day."

Seriously?!? And the tree was able to support him?! I thought to myself.

"Here, catch." Blaster Dark said as he threw me another apple. "You have had a long day, my Vanguard. It's about time we go back."

I couldn't find the words to say so I kept quiet. However, one thing was still running in my mind that I dared not ask... HOW DID HE GET THESE APPLES WHEN HE HASN'T LEFT THAT CREEPY, DRY TREE ALL DAY?!?


The next day...

Our next training was to learn how to resonate ourselves to each other. The first test: the Shadow Paladins who volunteered against Blaster Dark. My task is to command my avatar on what he's going to do. The task was easier said than done.

"Dodge to your left! Then turn around and swing your sword!" Oh, did I mention that he was wearing a blindfold?

"No! Not that way... turn right! Now dodge back! Mordred Phantom is about to strike!"

》》Time skip《《

After the battle in which we somehow won, my avatar told me to rest while he and the other units go get their injuries healed. Almost all of them were alright despite the attacks they took. The one who does need help is Blaster Dark. He may have said that he's fine but his body told us otherwise. Seeing him like this hurts me as well.


A few days after that, I started getting the hang of it. Blaster Dark didn't get as injured as the first time we trained and both of us seemed to get along now. With how he was acting, I thought he was just as playful as me but he said that in order to build an unbreakable bond, we needed to understand each other, thus the reason behind his actions.

On the last day of our training, a message was delivered to us by Young Pegasus Knight. It appears that Misaki has been found and all Vanguards were to meet in the Genesis clan with our avatars.

"Guess that change of plan was given by Alfred?" Blaster Dark asked.

"Yes, it has. The king wanted to make sure that the Genesis Vanguard would be able to train properly despite having to train with the lack of time. The Vanguards who are to come from outside the United Sanctuary would, at least, take a day to get there." Young Pegasus Knight replied.

"I see... thank you for informing us." I said then the Royal Paladin unit left.

"Guess that settles it~" I said happily. "But before that, what are we going to do now?"

"Hmmmm... how about another game of hide and seek?" My avatar said.

"Sure~ but I'm hidd-" before I could react, he disappeared.



Hello minna-san! Gomenasai for the short chapter (I think). I'm writing this with my cell phone so I don't know if I could call this a short or a long chapter.

Anyway~ Finals are finally over so I could concentrate on writing again! Speaking of finals, this isn't the final test since the Royal Paladin chapter is up next. After that, all of them would see each other again! Yay~

Read, comment, vote and enjoy minna~♡

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