Chapter 50: Losing Hope

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"If this keeps up, there's no way we could win! We have to come up with a plan somehow!!" Exclaimed the cyan haired Vanguard.

As if someone had heard Gaillard's cry, a group of arrows came flying; this time, not towards Cray's defenders.

The array of arrows took them all by surprise; even the target intended, Yami. No one could have expected the surprise attack against him and no words could describe the shock that filled everyone when they found out that the attacker was no other than the Genesis leader, Minerva.

"I shan't allow this to go on any further!" Said the Genesis unit. Relief came to the group when they had realized that she had regained her sanity.

Meanwhile, Yami was still recovering from his initial shock while the defenders got over their's quickly. Seeing that the evil was vulnerable to any attack, they immediately took the chance to turn things around; fighting against the evil with the full power of the remaining strength they had left. And as they had hoped, this unexpected turn of events caused the force to waver greatly.


With everything against him at full force, they were able to bring the Yami down easily.

That said, the threat has finally been defeated.

Takuto's POV

"We- we did it?"

All of us seemed to have the same reaction with what just occurred. Did we actually defeat the force who we had thought could not be beat?

"I-i think we just did..." said the Aqua Force leader in disbelief.

"I-i still can't believe it..." Aichi whispered slightly.

"Well... we might as well as believe it... We won!!" Exclaimed the Great Nature leader.

Most of us followed Polaris' lead and broke into a joyous scream. However, it isn't really a celebration when many are still in desperate need of treatment, now is it?

Slowly but surely, we did what we could to help the others. Yami is still here though, but we highly doubt that he would wake up soon. The human disguised force would surely be of no threat to us anymore...

...At least, that's what I thought.

Normal POV

Most of Cray's defenders had put their guard down, even those who had woken up only recently and were told of the 'great' news. However two units still weren't too happy for they felt something was amiss.

"I don't think this is over yet..." A unit clad in darkness whispered to himself. The only other to have heard and agreed with him was the one he had long considered his rival.

"That I fear as well. I could never imagine Yami giving up that easily." Replied the Swordsman of Light.

The two warriors kept quiet of their intuition for they knew how much this moment meant for their friends. They didn't even speak another word after, for their focus were set on the unconscious human-force in front of them. Both Blaster Blade and Blaster Dark kept a close eye on the unconscious enemy, ready do strike when the need arises.


Just as the two had predicted, Yami slowly regained his strength and consciousness hours after his defeat. The group had already treated most of their injuries and only a few were still in no condition to fight.

"Everyone!" Shouted Blaster Dark as he and Blaster Blade readied their swords, causing the others to turn to the two units. "Get into position... Yami hasn't lost yet!!"

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