Chapter 49.1: Undeniable Truth

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In a dark and almost empty space, there was a girl. It's already been half a day or so since the brunette left the space which was her subconscious and being without the brunette left her to remember how lonely being in that space was.

"Please Kai... hurry..."

With chains still wrapped around her arms, she waited. Hoping that the brunette would be able to keep his promise.

She knew that it was only he who would be able to free her from the chains of despair.

"I need you..."

Her hopes, nonetheless remained divided as to whether she could believe that promise or not.

Takuto's POV

"Wha- what happened to them?"

Just in front of us were two girls. Both in which we had recognized and at the same time, were complete strangers to us.

"We- we're too late..."

The girls emitted and shared the same ominous aura as Yami. Misaki's hair had changed from lavender to dark gray while Minerva's blond hair darkened in shade. From sapphire blue, both Minerva and Misaki's eyes turned dark blue. Their iris were no longer to be seen.

The once pure hearts tainted in Yami's darkness and their very presence had placed fear in each and every one of us.

Normal POV

The girls didn't hesitate to attack when they had noticed their former friends were off guard. This time, Misaki shot the arrows while Minerva took on the short distance attacks.

The Genesis group barely had time to dodge as the girls gave their all and only a few were able to react and save the rest who were still in a deep trance. At the end of the first set of attacks, only a few gained some minor scratches.

"Darn it! Is there nothing we can do to stop them?!" Polaris exclaimed.


Meanwhile, the Royal group continued the search for their friends. However, something didn't feel right.

"Can you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"Their presence."

For as they went deeper into the cave, the once strong presence of their friends' PSY Qualias slowly began to fade.

Aichi and Kai felt something wrong.
The moment they entered the cave, the two Vanguards knew they were close. But now, it felt like they were going farther away from the Genesis group.

Of course, this hadn't gone unoticied to their avatars. The units present saw through their Vanguards. Their silence meant they were troubled by something.

"Are you alright, my Vanguards?" Blaster Blade asked as to represent his fellow units.

"Huh?" Kai and Aichi turned to their avatars with a mix of confusion and worry.

"You seem troubled." Dragonic Overlord followed.

"O-oh, it- it's just that..."

Kai, knowing that Aichi would not be able to continue his sentence spoke. "Let's just say, we can't feel their PSY Qualia anymore."

"What!?" The units gasped.

"Not even a little?" Ezel questioned.


Worry became more evident in both Vanguard's faces. Even the units themselves felt uneasy.

"Then we have to hurry and look for them. For all we know, they could be in danger right now!" The Gold Paladin unit exclaimed.

They all faced each other with determined looks and the once anxious atmosphere quickly diminished.

"Right!" They said in unison.

Blaster Dark's POV

I could not believe just how Yami had transformed them! Are our hopes of saving the girls all in vain? Is it really too late to save them?

"There has got to be a way to snap them out of it somehow!" I whispered in frustration.

"Highly doubt it." Takuto, who had awoken moments ago and is now by my side, said in reply. "And even if there was a way, I don't think Yami would be a fool as to allow that to happen so easily."

"Then what do you propose we should do?"

Takuto seemed speechless at my question. Worry became fear in his face and actions.

"I-i... I don't know"

I looked unto his frightened eyes and could easily tell that he was blaming himself for all these. After all, bringing the Vanguards here on Cray was his idea.

Oh, I hope Blaster Blade and his group would come soon. We desperately need their help right now.

Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion's POV

If our Vanguards could no longer sense the other groups, then we can only hope to find them on our own before it's too late.

As we ran straight forward to who knows where, none of us seemed to care whether we were going the right way or not. Our minds wandered off to the possibilities of what could have happened to our friends.

After running endlessly for who knows how long, we managed to see light within the cave. Followed by sounds of explosions and roars.

"Their in there!!" I shouted as we headed straight towards danger.

However, as we reached the impending danger, something unexpected caught us off guard.

Kai's POV

I had expected that Yami would send them to do his dirty work. But I never would have imagined them transforming completely!

Misaki and Minerva continued the attack against the rest of our comrades. Some had already lost consciousness but others still held on. None of them seemed to have noticed our presence so this was the perfect time for a counterattack.


...I can't seem to have the courage to hurt Misaki. Let alone face against her.

"Quickly, hold them while they're distracted. It looks like they haven't noticed us yet."

We all turned to the king and the others gave a firm nod. I, on the other hand, remained hesitant.

"And whatever you do, don't let them notice you" Alfred whispered.

Everyone but me took act. Quickly but quietly sneaking past the Vanguards and ambushing the girls.

Little did we know, they too, had a back up plan of there own.

Blaster Blade's POV

We should have known that this might happen! For the moment we successfully took down the Genesis Vanguard and her avatar, the rest of the Genesis clan began to show up. All of them in the same state as the two before them.

"Yami had taken over the Genesis clan completely?!" Wingal exclaimed.

"It's not over yet!" Blaster Dark said in response.


Okay, I'll admit... I should have tried harder to complete this part into one whole chapter (I had plans for this chapter too). But due to the unfortunate turn of events in my life (A.K.A: College... and a science course at that fact), as well as my exams coming up, I could never really find time to write. Heck, I was in a hurry to finish this chapter as well (so I could finally review for my exams)

Gomenasai if this chapter wasn't worth waiting, but I'll try my best to finish the rest of this supposed-to-be one part chapter in my next update...

Read, comment, vote and enjoy minna!!


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