Chapter 3: A kind of happy

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"What do you mean, am I happy? Of course I am."

It was reasonably quiet at the gym this Friday night. It wasn't unusual for it to be so, with the many patrons choosing the nightlife over the treadmill. Jasper had dusted the equipment twice in the space of an hour already. He finally gives in to his own temptations and heads for the weights, picking up a modest 10kg dumbbell, which he begins to pump in his right hand. "You know you should warm up first right?" Another male approaches, slapping an affectionate hand on his shoulder. He is of a similar build to Jasper, wearing the same fitted grey tee and shorts, the standard gym works uniform.

"I know. Just killing time really." He smiles at the man in the reflection of the floor to ceiling mirror. "Plus it's just a light one."

"Beth will kill you if you inflict an injury on yourself before the wedding." The man chuckles as he picks up a couple of stray mats to hang them on the wall.

"No, she will kill you." Jasper laughs. "Remember Ed, you're the best man. In charge of making sure I am in one piece."

Ed takes the weight from Jasper's hand. "In that case, put it back." He places the dumbbell back on the stand.

Jasper huffs, resting his hands on his hips. "We have another half an hour before closing. I'm so bored." He complains.

"I'll be ok if you want to head home." Ed insists.

"Are you sure? I owe you one." Jasper says, but in truth his mind had left the building already.

"No problem." Ed again pats his friend on the shoulder. "Just go." Jasper smiles as he heads away, with Ed watching him leave, his smile fading a little the further away Jasper gets. He waits until he is out of sight, before pulling his phone from the pocket of his shorts. He dials a number, waiting for the receiver to pick up. "It's me. What do you want?"....


"You're early!" Beth says with surprise as she looks up from her curled up position on the sofa. "Is everything ok?"

Jasper drops his keys in the small side table dish by the door as he pulls off his trainers using his feet. "Ed is closing up. Work was dead." He sighs as he walks over and flops on the sofa next to her. He stares at the tv screen. "What's this?"

She sits up a little, now focusing on the screen. "Oh, a new drama. It's called 'Capture the moment.' It's about a whirlwind romance between a bookstore owner and a teacher. They're both men y'know..."

"Yeah, doesn't sound like my thing." Jasper interrupts. "I'm going to bed." He gets up from the sofa, leaning across to kiss her on the forehead, before walking away to the bedroom. She sighs heavily as she looks back at the tv.

He strips off his work clothes, leaving them in a heap on the carpet. His mother will pick them up when she comes around to clean tomorrow. He then heads for the bathroom.

Standing at the basin, in front of the mirror, Jasper looks at his own reflection. His face hasn't changed much over the years. Just more defined. The baby face disappearing along with his hopes and dreams. He didn't know why he was feeling so negative. He had a job he liked, a woman who was beautiful, kind and wanted to be with him, despite her knowing his reckless past misgivings. He had a place to call home, he had family he could get along with and now he had a baby on the way. Everything was going in the right direction surely.

He sighs as he takes out his toothbrush from the cup and applies the toothpaste. Maybe this feeling he was harbouring was that he hadn't been completely honest with Beth. Yes, she knew the name Thomas Hepler. She knew how they were friends over the summer when they were younger, but she didn't know that they had fallen in love. That Jasper has experienced a summer of a lifetime. One he would have given anything to experience once again, but now he never would.

Perhaps that is why he was afraid to tell her Thomas wasn't just any past love. Thomas was his first love... and he was a man.

He gets pulled from his own thoughts when he hears the door open behind him. "I thought you were watching tv." He comments as he spits the last of his toothpaste from his mouth, before rinsing.

"It's done for now." She replies as she sits on the lid of the toilet seat, looking up at him with concern. "Jas, are you happy?" She questions as she tries to catch Jasper's attention.

Jasper laughs off the words. "What do you mean, am I happy? Of course I am." He puts the toothbrush back in the cup, he pulls her to standing and wraps his arms around her.

"I'm sorry. It's just you seem a little distant this past week. I was worried that maybe you had doubts about us..."

"Hey enough!" Jasper runs his hands over her long blonde hair, pushing the stray locks from her face. He looks down at her as she looks up at him. "I love you Beth. Got it?"

She emits a shy grin. "I love you too." She momentarily looks away in thought before looking back up at him. "I want to be honest with you. With your family. I think we should tell them about the baby."

"But my mum..." Jasper begins, but Beth interrupts him.

"The wedding is in four weeks. I feel ok now, but in four weeks from now I will probably be feeling sick, I won't be able to drink, people are going to know something is up."

Jasper takes in what she is saying. He sighs heavily. "Ok. I guess you have a point, but I think it would be best if it was done face to face."

"Ok. Let me sort it." Beth says, getting on her tiptoes to reach his lips. Their lips part briefly before connecting once again, this time the connection remaining a little longer.

Jasper pulls away, looking into Beth's blue eyes. "How are you feeling now?" He runs a hand up one side of her body, making her night shirt ride up a fraction.

"I'm feeling good." She grins as she runs her fingers over his chest. This is all the confirmation he needed to proceed. He pulls her from where they are standing before he pushes her against the back of the bathroom door. His hands now free to roam under her nightwear as he locates her underwear and tugs the item over her plump backside, with them falling unaided the rest of the way.

He kisses her soft warm and wet lips, with them slowly parting as their tongues begin to clash. Jasper pulls at the front of his boxers, his erection now exposed. He grabs her thighs, lifting her up just enough as to reach the perfect angle, then he pushes in, feeling the wet warm and deep cavern encase his erection.

Beth holds onto Jasper, linking her arms around his neck for support as they begin to fuck.

Jasper looks into her eyes and she into his. It feels intense and he knows they should be making a connection. They were as close as they could be, but still there felt like there was a missing link. He looks away, the gaze from his lover, filling him with guilt. He decides to close his eyes. Focus on the moment. The feel of her sex on his. "Shit shit." Jasper opens his eyes, looking up at the ceiling as he releases inside of her. He hears her emit a joyous laugh at his reaction. Knowing she could still make him come every time.

He lets go of her legs as she gets to standing. "Now I know you're happy." She chuckles as she reaches up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Mmm" Jasper grins. "Of course I am."

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