twenty one, very special to me

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real life !

natalia felt sick to her stomach.

her mind was racing and her stomach was doing backflips to mirror it.

standing on that stage, even just off to the side, behind the curtain, made her sweat.

matteo came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. 

"you ready?"

"not at all," she laughed. she took a deep breath before stepping onto the stage. she looked around the crowd at all the people cheering for her. 

"hi everyone. i'm natalia jones. i'm sure you guys are super excited to see mr. johnny orlando but in the mean time, i will be performing for you all!!" natalia took another breath.

"I LOVE YOU NATALIA!!" she heard a fan yell. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO," she yelled back. 

"this first song is unreleased actually and i wrote it about a boy who was very special to me once, but i might not have been the same to him," she smiled.

hearing this made matt shiver and glance over at althea to see if she noticed. he noticed the bitter look on her face but tried to ignore it. i mean, she was the one who wanted to come after all.

as the track played, she quickly scanned the crowd. she saw nick, chris, madi and maya cheering in the font row. she smiled at them.

"car rides to malibu," she began to sing. "strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two. and trading jackets, laughing bout how small it looks on you.

"watching reruns of glee. being annoying, singing in harmony. i bet she's bragging to all her friends, saying you're so unique."

althea continuously glanced over at matt, just to see his reaction. 

"so when you gonna tell her, that we did that too. she thinks it's special, but it's all reused. that was our place, i found it first. i made the jokes you tell to her, when she's with you. do you get deja vu when she's with you. do you get deja vu? oh. hmm. do you get deja vu, huh?" 

natalia looked around the crowd as the music played behind her. as she glanced over at one corner, she almost missed it. she almost missed the look matt was giving her. she also almost missed the death stare althea was giving her, next to him.

wait. matt?

why didn't nick tell her that matt was here? if she knew the boy she was singing about was listening, she wouldn't be singing a song about him. especially not with his girlfriend there.

with all the thoughts running through her head, her cue came faster than expected. she recovered as smoothly as she could and just hoped that neither matt nor althea would realize that the song about them.

"do you call her almost say my name? cause let's be honest, they kinda do sound the same. another actress, i hate to think that i was just your type.

"i'll bet that she knows billy joel, 'cause you played her uptown girl. you're singing it together, now i bet you even tell her how you love her. in between the chorus and the verse."

althea looked over at matt, fuming. she hadn't really noticed the similarities between their relationships until now. she was a little too focused on manipulating matt to ever spend time thinking about them.

after another run through the chorus, natalia never felt like crying more. everything that could have possibly went wrong, did. but she was on stage and there wasn't much she could do now but sing.

"strawberry ice cream in malibu. don't act like we didn't do that shit, too. you're trading jackets like we used to do. yeah, everything is all reused. play her piano, but she doesn't know, that i was the one who taught you billy joel. a different girl now, but there's nothing new. i know you get déjà vu," the girl sang her hearts out, a fear tears spilling from her eyes.

after a few more songs she left the stage and matteo took her place. she really wasn't in the mood to even be there anymore. she just wanted to go home, and cry herself to sleep.

she hated that even thinking about matt could change her whole mood. she could go from the happiest girl in the world to the saddest all from one thought.

and to think he once made her so happy.

imessage !







DEVS WORDS / i have no words. our girl really put on a show i guess 😁...

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