twenty five, home wrecker

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instagram dms !

altheafreeman • instagram
you don't follow each other on instagram

hey althea, i just wanted to
message you to tell you to
keep my name out of your
mouth and stop throwing shade
at me because its very unnecessary.
it's not my fault that you and
matt broke up. it's yours and his.
so stop acting like i had anything
to do with it. 

i don't know what you think
happened but you're wrong.
i didn't say anything about you,
you're just so self centered that
you think the world revolves
around you. and about matt,
you've been praying on our downfall
since we got together. i believe in
women supporting women. obviously
you don't bc if you did you wouldn't
be such a home wrecker. 

its not my fault you're a manipulative
bitch and can't even do it well.
me and matt aren't together and he
didn't break up with you to be with
me. you cheated on him babes. 

and it seems like you don't
support other women talking
bout some "better than your ex" 

i don't know what i did to you but 
you need to get the fuck out of my life
because there's nothing keeping you here

okay, i'll fuck off. after i make
sure all your fans know
what a bitch you are 

have the day you deserve xx

altheafreeman blocked nataliajones

instagram !



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NATALIAJONES, i cause drama and that's why y'all love me 😁 but fr though i tried to be civil but this bitch won't quit, just a warning :(


USERNAME, i love her more than life 

MAYATHOMAS, shit stirrers UNITE!!
⤷ NATALIAJONES, we eat, always

USERNAME, no this is why i don't like you actually 
⤷ NATALIAJONES, you hate me cause you ain't me 😚


MATTEOCHEN, nat is always right, unless its about me bc then sometimes she's wrong

USERNAME, this is about althea, i can feel it
⤷ NATALIAJONES, you feel correct!!

CHRISTOPHERSTURNIOLO, i stand by you always ✊🏻
⤷ NATALIAJONES, ty babes

USERNAME, she's who drake was talking about when he said "the best you ever had"

USERNAME, ur so annoying 

NICOLASSTURNIOLO, i saw the messages and nat fr in the right

USERNAME, i wanna hear what matt has to say about this
⤷ MATTHEW.STURNIOLO, i approve the message delivered in this instagram post 😆


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DEVS WORDS / i havent updated in like a month.. oops. i honestly have nothing to say about it other than my bad... and i meant to finish and publish this chapter like a week ago but life got in the way i guess lmao

deja vu is at like 44.2k reads right now and i'm gonna freak out bc thats so many people. i love each and every one of you. anywayyy thanks for reading and have a good day or night or whatever time it is for you!! bye 🫶🏼

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