18 | The New Girl

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Noah didn't know what to do with the blonde woman in front of him

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Noah didn't know what to do with the blonde woman in front of him. His new personal assistant Sara still looked like she fell out of the gap. As if she landed directly in front of Noah's workshop with huge gap shopping bags in hand. He gave Sara's presence a wide berth while she asked him questions. He pointed at the answers without making eye contact with her. Sometimes he answered quietly. His hands were dancing, and it just wasn't going well. He wasn't digging his fingers into the flesh of his palm which was good. I'm not sure what it was about her but she wasn't working as his assistant. I trained her on basic tasks that were regular for Noah. But her interaction with him was a complete crash and burn almost every time. I lectured twice to not touch him if she could absolutely avoid it. Everything was in place to make things work. Sara was better situated for Noah's personal assistant job than I was when I started. None of that goodwill meant anything in front of the basic fact that. Her goodwill was a polite hammer that kept breaking the glass. Nope, it really wasn't working.

When you're talking to someone, you'd be shocked to find out how often physical contact is made. Nearly physical contact when someone casually enters your personal space. Even informal conversation might have a handshake. You may stand a little closer to be heard over machinery. When you have to keep track of contacts with someone who might need that, you may never realize how much work that is. Noah can hide that he needs you to go back the fuck up but there are clear signs. Sara is nice, but she'd never been a personal assistant before. It was her first real job, and I had a feeling in the future she could be a great work friend. Possibly even become a good friend to me period but right now... Her natural kindness and girl scout charm weren't working out.

I close my notebook and push my empty mug of water to the side. My day was done working for Sabali and Zoey. They were in Ohio on the tour bus. And that bus was closing in on their concert in Cleveland. I debated going over or just driving off. Noah had not said much to me since the get-together. I use the term get-together loosely. Which resulted in me crying my eyes out. But we finally had the conversation we had been needing for a while. The ball was in his court. If he didn't want to talk to me at all anymore I don't blame him. This is why for the most part I should be doing my job and bounce. It was his choice and if that is his decision then we had our closure. I only need to actually check on the house and mail things out once a week. But traffic to everything associated with Noah, Maurice, Zoey, and Sabali was up. There were even women hanging outside of Maurice's station firehouse. Being the guy next door type Maurice was he didn't realize how hot he was. In a way, Maurice and Noah have that in common but things were changing as their profile in the media grew. Even Maurice who could sing but didn't do much and didn't want to be some famous person was a sex symbol. But I'm not sure what he expects he's a hot firefighter. I did simply a video of him in slow motion doing fire drills that got so much view count it was stupid. Black Kryptonite lives up to his name, and he was out there killing. As more people hang around the more agitated Noah gets with all the unknown traffic. Maybe that's the problem in itself. He sees Sara, not as a Personal Assistant hired to make his life easier but instead more unknown traffic. The unknown was never something Noah dealt with well. Unless the unknown was a great big ocean waiting for him to explore.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now