25 | Trust - Part 2

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The crunch of the gravel driveway startled me out of my little trance. We were at Noah's and Zoey's house. For once, no paparazzi with cameras waiting outside of his driveway. Vacation was super over and it really was back to... normal?

I didn't have a lot of answers but Noah came out of his side of the truck to help me out. His warm hands wrapped around my waist and led me down from the step. The gentlemanly habit of his is yet another thing that made me smile. Noah goes to the back of the truck grabbing my luggage. The big bag he lifts easily and places it next to me. Uncertainty at the start of this trip plagued me before I went on the sailing trip. That turmoil brought with it all my ghosts until I let them go finally. We really are in a better place.

Holding my bag to my chest I didn't know what to do with myself. On the boat I wanted as much skin contact as possible constantly. A mix of lust and longing that was a storm of emotion in of itself. If he was in range, I wanted to be close. It wasn't even fully from a place of fear. It was so comfortable but now we were back to earth I couldn't reach out to him. My hands were wrapped so tightly around my bag but I ached to be near him. As easy as we were on his ship.

"Thanks Noah, I had a lovely trip," I said. My half smile would have been a full smile on the boat. Maybe he knew because worry spread across his face. The relationship between us is even moving one step forward. But I held my breath to see if there was going to be a two steps back.

Trust Tari. Trust...

Noah's head tilts to the side, and he takes a step back. Then he rushes away from me leaving me standing alone in front of the workshop. Welp, I feel like shit now. Maybe I was trying to move too fast? I had no damn answers. And I scan the yard for Sharr's car. It wasn't there just Noah's truck so, no Sharr, and Eve. That meant no contract and no ride.


I took a moment to check the sky. Still blue as the eye can see. Well, good. All I needed was for a storm cloud to open up on top of my head and drench me. I was nailed to the spot and debating with myself. Not wanting to push Noah too hard and also with my new resolve. I would not let myself be ruled by ghosts because frankly they weren't there for me anymore. With my decision made I took a step towards Noah's direction. But I stopped in my tracks as Noah came out of the workshop with one big box and one little box. The big box had a beautiful design and was large enough that Noah was carrying it under one hand. It would take me two hands to carry that thing. The space and Star Wars theme had me laughing. Before Noah met my kids, he only saw the movie once. I know for a fact that he has watched all three Star Wars so many times he probably can barely stomach it. Not to mention the prequel and the new ones. But the original three movies those kids love the most because it has Lando. That stylish space adventure was something watched in sections a thousand times. Clips and pieces they rewinded and did the lines for. Lando in the elevator at cloud city. The princess holding her blaster. It was watched so lovingly so many times before letting you watch the whole movie.

The box had Lando on it with the spaceship and more. It had cloud city carved into it as a mural wrapping around the wooden box. My kids were both on the spaceship Millennium Falcon with Lando. Any black nerd worth their salt will tell you that the Falcon was Lando's first. My little blerd heart noticed that Little Man was wearing his cape next to Lando. I couldn't see the side next to where Noah was holding it but I didn't have to. I knew that it was probably wonderful.

Noah set the box down little wheels pop out of the bottom of the big box. A large handle sticks out of the top. Then he opened it. Inside the box was handmade wooden Legos just like last year. On the lid of the box it said The Empire Strikes Back with his birthdate and the year for this year. A second box sits on top of all the Legos already open with no Legos in it, said New Hope with his birthday from last year. The smaller box was as intricate as the box it was in. I held my breath as I dip my hand into the box and pulled out the little toy people. It was all of us and I couldn't handle it. He passed me the next box with all the stars. Inside it was filled with stars and a wooden star necklace. I didn't know he could make jewelry.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora