26 | Merry Christmas

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Have yourself a Merry Christmas

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Have yourself a Merry Christmas

I've never had a Christmas breakfast before. This is a first. So, I guess Noah got one of my first this time. Little Man giggles maniacally as he stuffs Gingerbread French Toast into his mouth. Sim is on her second slice, and Little Man is on his fourth. I'm not totally sure where he found the room. I finish my cup of coffee. Noah looks at my empty cup with a smile. While Zoey watches Noah and me. It's a little awkward, but not completely awful. It's one of the best Christmas mornings I've ever had. Zoey gets up, "Who wants another slice of gingerbread toast!"

Both kids raise their hands. I don't think Zoey yet realizes the error of hopping kids up on sugar and seeing the zoomie results. Zoey serves up the toast to the kids. I push my slice of half-eaten gingerbread toast around my plate. The morning is brilliant. Is currently great, really... but...

"I can meet with you whenever you're ready, Tari." Zoey smiles at me and heads to her small office downstairs after Christmas breakfast.


Our first split Christmas wasn't going as I expected it to when we came to the gift open part

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Our first split Christmas wasn't going as I expected it to when we came to the gift open part. For some reason, the Christmas breakfast joy slips away as naturally as it came.. Little Man turns his colorful gift wrap box in circles. While Sim with no enthusiasm opens her gifts. I'll be completely honest compared to Christmas when Theo and I were together, it's not the best haul in the world. But I know for a fact their father went out this year into full buy your love mode. My barb at the museum hit home a little too well. The sad part is he didn't have to bother. Spend a time figuring out what they like to do for fun and you have their love. Jo-Lee's daughter turns on the big overhead fan in the living room and they fake like they are on the millennium falcon with costumes. They ask for her to come over and play all the time. It's hard to explain the amount of fun they have with her. Simply paying attention and doing what they want to do for once, but it's that low of a love buy-in. I doubt he will ever understand it. But everything they didn't get for their birthdays they should get for Christmas. My gifts aren't bad either. Mostly Star books for Sim and a full Lando wig and backup cape. The wig is made of yarn, a little DIY on my part, but he can finally complete the costume. Little Man turns the box again, giving it another rotation without opening it. I know it's not about what is or isn't in the box.

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