Ten - Another cheap Hallmark moment

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Noah Jordan's POV:

Sarah didn't make it.

And I wished I announced this news to everybody as if she was dead. It's a shame that people don't always get what they want.

The ship rocked gently with the waves. The Dj was playing slow music in the background while couples danced with their kids running around. I leaned against the railings on an edge with a glass of champagne, watching the sunset. It was beautiful, with streaks of orange and red spread across the sky.

"Hi," a woman approached me from behind. I turned around and instantly recognized her as one of Sasha's model friends. "Mind if I join?"

In the name of a ship party, Sasha invited some of her single, beautiful, and very eligible friends while she trapped Dennis into staying home with her because surprise, surprise, pregnant women get motion sickness, and seasickness would only make it worse for her.

I didn't mind though. I didn't mind for a single bit. Nobody came to talk to me, but I enjoyed the view.

"Sure." I gave her some space to stand on my spot. The ship was big enough to accommodate 60 grown men, and we were only 40, including kids.

"I'm Tiffany, but my friends call me Tif."

"I'm Noah."

"I know," her cheeks turned red, and she avoided my eyes. "My friends were talking about you, but I tried to stop them."

Tiffany was beautiful. She wore a simple, long green summer dress and rubber slippers, unlike her other friends who wore tight, glittery sequin dresses and high heels which were not suitable for a ship party. I could totally see myself leaving the party with her the next time the ship reached the harbor.

I moved a little closer to her, aware of my effect on her. "And what were they talking about?"

"They were teasing me about you. They know I have a thing for firemen and soldiers."

That didn't bother me at all. I had met many women like Tiffany before, but she piqued my special interest. The fact that she approached me first showed her confidence, and her words were nothing but pure honesty—something which I found extremely attractive in women. "And is that why you are here?" I teased lightly.

"Oh no. No," she shook her head, shying away from me. "I've been gathering courage all afternoon to talk to you. Hence, the teasing."

I laughed softly. "Now that you're here... what do you want to talk about?" My voice was deep and sensual. I was in my game, and I was genuinely attracted to Tiffany. Not sure whether it was only physical or not, but I was taking my shot.

"I want to listen to some of your war stories... only if you allow me to buy you a glass of wine."

Tiffany was great. She was smart, beautiful, and an attentive listener, and she laughed at my corny jokes and awkward moments I had with my mates when we were not on duty. I chose to exclude the gruesome details for her sake. It was electrifying to see how well we got along with each other.

We talked about my travels and adventures around the nearby countries. Yeah... I was an adventurer at heart. As much as I loved my country, I loved exploring other countries too.

I've been to Istanbul, Iran, Bulgaria, Georgia, and Armenia and served my beautiful nation in Iraq, Syria, and a couple of weeks in Sudan as my training exercise. Visiting different places and living at risk, not knowing whether I'd be alive to see the next sunrise, had become my defensive coping mechanism towards the trauma of my father's death and betrayal by my mother and my friends.

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