Benefit of the doubt

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You laid down on your bed. Tears were slowly streaming down. You did not know what you felt right now.. Was it hurt? It's probably your hormones messing with you.

He left after you said you love him..

Maybe it was his purpose.. to prove that he could change the one who hates to love him.

It was only a game for him. And you were the idiot one.

He was so nice.. He was caring and gentle, sometimes his mouth was harsh but he meant no harm. He was just a brutally honest person.

The way he cares about the baby, when he talks to your baby bump. You were treating him like he was crazy but you liked it when he did that. His giggles. His shameless act.

His kisses.. how the tip on his fingers were brushing your face. It was all to die for..

"Y/n?" Your mother knocked on your door.

You hurriedly wiped your tears.

"Mother.." She entered your room.

"Oh, dear.." She pitied you, her baby girl, "I'm sorry, I should've listened to you.." Then you wouldn't be in pain like now, back then you refused to engage with Taehyung, "You will meet someone else.. He will treat you better, much better. You are still young." She patted your head. It broke her heart to see you like this.

"It's okay.." one way or another you should be. Perhaps you were stupid, but.. You wanted to hold on his words to trust him, just a  little bit more.

Your mother's phone was ringing, she took the day off from the office, she excused herself to pick up the call.

"Mrs Han, there are a bunch of reporters surrounding our building." He reported.


"They want clarification about your daughter's engagement with the Kim family's heir.."

Apparently there was a leak given to the media, it was photos from months ago during the engagement dinner. There were several photos. Some photos of you and Taehyung, the parents, the siblings. They were also reporting the two of you were having a child together. Proven by the pic of you and Taehyung visiting the hospital together.

"Mrs Han.. Kim's family just confirmed it's true and the marriage will be held by the end of the month." There was no way they could contain this anymore.

"Send them back. We have no comment for now." What just happened. She felt this was

de javu just like when you told them about your pregnancy all over again.

"Miss Y/n, Mr Kim is-" The maid did not manage to finish her words, Taehyung already entered your room with his usual smug face that you hate the most.

"Mother." Taehyung greeted your mother.

"There.. there are reporters-" If Kim agreed to end the engagement, this leak can't be good. Your company would not stand a night if they raged. She had to clear up this miss understanding.

"I know.." Taehyung said calmly, "I'm here to ask permission to bring Y/n to live with me in my place. I already spoke with my parents."

"Taehyung-sii." Your mother was lost for words.

Her head was spinning.

"My family will prepare for the marriage. We will let you know if there is something you could help with." He added.

"I'm not giving my daughter. She doesn't want to engage with you. We agreed to end this." Mrs Kim didn't deny it this morning.

Taehyung bowed deeply to your mother, "I'm in love with your daughter. I will take care of her well. It isn't only because she carries my child.. She carries my heart as well. Please, mother take my words into consideration.."

Your mother glanced in your direction.

Taehyung confessed his feelings to you in front of her. She believed the young guy was very genuine. But your feelings are the most important to her.

"I'll leave that decision to my daughter.. Whether she wants to follow you or not.." Your mother rubbed your head, "Mommy will take care of both you and the baby.. You don't have to settle if you don't want to marry him.." This time she meant it.

Your mother left the two of you alone.

Your eyes were starting to tear again.

"Why are you crying?" He frowned.

"Because you are an idiot!" You scolded him.

"You think I am leaving you, are you? Don't ask if you believe me. You said you did." Your face was kinda funny now. Red eyes, runny nose. He wiped them with his sleeves.

"But can you just leave like that? Packing your stuff without telling me shit." How terrible you felt this morning, cursing him a jerk. He is indeed a jerk.

"Are you crying because of me? I'm so touched.." He teased, "My place is already done. So I have to bring my stuff there. I can't live with your parents anymore."

"Why didn't you tell me.."

"Because you might not be happy. Now my place is ready, do you want to move in with me.. Yerin is moving to Jimin's place. So I have her previous apartment and renovated it a bit." It was only temporarily, because he will carry you to his family mansion later after the marriage.

"Does it mean we will live next to Jungkook oppa?" Yerin's previous apartment was next to Jungkook's.

"That's what crossed your mind first? Are you kidding me!" He was not happy. Extremely not happy with the conclusion.

"Why? I'd love to have neighbors."

"Oh, don't you dare." He narrowed his eyes.

This place was not safe for you anymore..


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